But let me bother you for a moment for Chubby Deku chilling on Tinder one night. He’s swiping left to most of the dudes he’s looking at when all of a sudden he receives a message.

No doubt it’s probably some random dude with a weight fetish. He was about to deleted it when he -
Noticed that the guy was actually extremely hot. The message said simply /Hey how’s it going?/

Now Izuku wasn’t a vain man. He knew he wasn’t completely ugly but he had some work for his appearance. So why was this hot blonde dime messaging him of all people?
Izuku scrolled through his pictures, each one better than the last. Most of them were just selfies, some with friends (all of which were equally as hot). Izuku went back to the message contemplating if he should say something and if so what? Should he just say hi and try to -
Play it cool? Should he introduce himself? Should he just come out with it and tell him that he wants to fuck him? Eventually he decides to go with a simple /Hey it’s going good, how about yourself?/

It was pretty mellow conversation. Asking each other about their day,
Talking about what they did for a living. Turns out Katsuki, the name of the hot Tinder guy, was a personal trainer that owns his own company. Izuku was about to ask him more about his company when the topic changed to “What are you doing now?”

Izuku types back. /Nothing much.-
Just chilling watching tv./Not a lie. He was chilling watching some anime while eating a left over snickers bar that he forgot in his bag.

Izuku waited as the text bubble appeared.

/Let’s meet up for coffee./

Izuku blinked at the message. A hot guy is actually asking him out
Izuku replied with /Right now?/

Katsuki started typing. /No time like the present, no?/

Izuku scoffed. Seriously? He couldn’t have picked a better time? His hair was a mess, his face wasn’t washed, he literally was in pjs. And he wants to meet now?
Izuku tried to deflect /Oh well I mean we could meet maybe around NYE? That is if you’re ok with waiting?/

Izuku waited with bated breath as Katsuki started typing. /Up to you. I am free today but I’m not sure I’ll be free then. Your call./

Izuku made a pained noise as he
Flopped down on his bed and sighed. Of course the one time he had a hot guy interested and they guy was persistent. So, Izuku did the most logical thing anyone could do.

/Where can we meet?/

Katsuki sent him an address@of a nearby coffee shop. Much to Izuku’s surprise and
Pleasure, it was only a few minutes away. He obviously lived close. That knowledge did not help the situation that was happening in his pants. He sped through his shower, making sure to try and clean every crevice he could before going. When he was done he checked his messages -
To see if he had left. The last thing he needed was to be stood up by some guy off tinder. So he chilled on his couch until he got the message that Katsuki was there. Izuku nodded his mother a quick goodbye as he made his way over to the shop. It was a warmer night in December -
So he dressed in a simple jacket and some jeans. He thought about what he was doing and what would happen. He was about to meet a complete stranger who might /fuck/ him-

Izuku perked you as he remember he forgot to bring condoms with him. He inwardly cursed himself as he -
Sprinted over to the drug store. He didn’t exactly know how big he was but if he had to guess it was at least above average. He went looking all around for the isle that held condoms. He was about to go pass the feminine care when he saw a tall blonde standing with a black box -
In his hand. The blonde looked up from the box, red eyes looking straight at his jade ones.

It was the same red eyes that he saw in the profile. Izuku stood like a deer in headlights as the blonde stared at him with his own face of shock.

Oh no. He didn’t like how good his name sounded on his lips. Izuku gulped and he smiled.

“Hey Katsuki! It’s funny seeing you- Oh!”

Izuku was enveloped in a hug before he could register what was happening. Izuku stood awkwardly for a moment, taking in the nice cologne Katsuki-
Had put on. Once he was released he looked up at the most beautiful smile he probably had ever seen.

“It’s nice to meet you.”

Izuku felt his breath caught in his throat as he blazed up his spine. “You too.”

That beautiful smile quickly melting into a devilish grin as he
Leaned into Izuku’s space. “You probably came here for the same reason I did, huh?”

His voice rasped and Izuku felt as though his ass was about to implode. He only simply nodded, all coherent words lost to him.

“Good to know.” Izuku’s eyes looked down to the box of condoms -
Katsuki was holding. He felt lightheaded as he read the word /Magnum/ in bold gold letters.


Izuku darted back to those red eyes. They held lust and amusement as he slowly licked his lips.
“Since we both know coffee isn’t why we’re here tonight, why don’t we skip the formalities and head to my pace so you can sit on my face?”
Inspired by my recent Tinder date cause Tinder AUs are just fucking awesome
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