Obi-Wan Kenobi the master of defense was a jedi best know for his impressive combat skills and ofcourse his negotiations, Obi-Wan was the first jedi to defeat a Sith lord in over a 1000 years, and was also the master to the chosen one, Anakin Skywalker.
Kenobi would also help anakin fighting count dooku in which both lost the fight, anakin losing a hand while Kenobi was injured, for years kenobi and anakin would forge a closer bond, even believing anakin was ready for a padawn, that being ahsoka tano in which anakin took on.
However close this bond was kenobi would also put the order in front of him, which costed him dearly when he believed ahsoka was the one who bombed the jedi temple, the result would force ahsoka to leave the order, leaving anakin enraged with the order
Kenobi and the council would lie to anakin, Kenobi going as far as to fake his own death, all of this would build on anakin, but the worse was yet to come, anakin and kenobi would save the palpatine from the clutches of general grevious, anakin would kill dooku in the process.
Grevious would flee the ship, and anakin kenobi and palpatine would leave the ship, anakin being crowned a hero, all of this however would not grant anakin the rank of master, which further fueled his rage for the jedi, kenobi would leave to face grevious one last time.
Meanwhile palpatine would further seduce anakin to the dark side, telling him dark side story's and how he could save padme from dying during child birth, kenobi would defeated grevious, after which anakin told mace windu about the true identity of palpatine
This would force mace windu to fight palpatine who would ultimately lose, and would be killed by palpatine, with the assistance of anakin, who had now joined the dark side. Anakin now Darth Vader would kill many jedi and would even fight his old master kenobi
Who would lose due to the high ground and his overconfidence, anakin was mortally injured and was forced into a suit to keep him alive, while kenobi would flee to tatooine other jedi would do the same and go into hiding, but kenobi had a purpose to watch Luke
Until the time was right to train him, Kenobi would save Luke from sand people and the time was right to train him, Kenobi and Luke would leave tatooine, with the help of Han Solo and Chewbacca, they would be pulled into the death star the home of the empire.
Luke and Han would save Princess Leia the sister of Luke and daughter of anakin Skywalker now Darth Vader while kenobi would face anakin now Darth Vader a second time, this time kenobi new he would be of much more assistance as the force rather then a human...
So kenobi lowered his defensives and let Vader strike down his old master, killing him... although kenobi was defeated he lived on through the force, and continued not only to guide Luke, but also Rey!
*Padme would die during childbirth which further enraged an already broken down anakin further to the darkside, anakin was truly no more*
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