#bensolo #theriseofskywalker #bensololives
We never see his Force ghost, despite seeing Luke and Leia at the end, so there is absolutely no confirmation of him being dead.
When he dies, Leia's body disappears at the EXACT same time, despite the fact that she had already died earlier. Lifeforce transfer, anyone? This is a recurring theme of this movie.
Maz is standing over Leia's body when she disappears and smiles. This is an incredibly odd thing to do when someone you love dies unless you know something else is happening. Maz knows the Force, and she's the one who told Rey "there's someone who still could [come back]" in TFA.
Another option for how Ben is alive? The dyad bond between him and Rey.
“Stand together, die together.”
“The lifeforce of your bond. A dyad in the Force. A power like life itself. Unseen for generations.”
There is some crazy Force shit going on between those two. And this entire speech is about them being TOGETHER, alive or dead, and the power of LIFE that their bond is.
Star Wars has already brought back many other characters including Maul, Palpatine, and Ahsoka. You're telling me they're not going to bring back Ben?
So how do we get our boy back? The World Between Worlds seems like an excellent option. In early 2018 (during the time TROS was in production) on Rebels, Ezra went to the World Between Worlds and saved Ahsoka, bringing her back.
Ahsoka also showed up as one of the voices speaking to Rey at the end of TROS, so it’s possible she might be in future projects and could help Rey go save Ben.
In the WBW episode we hear voices:

Ben: Show me
Rey: We'll see each other again
Ben: Grandfather
Rey: I believe that
The Father: And now you see who you truly are
Ben: Show me
Anakin: I can't lose you Padme
Ben: And I will finish what you started

Rey's books have information about the World Between Worlds
We have this hint from Matt Martin
This from Kathleen Kennedy
And at the TROS premiere Kathleen Kennedy said this:

“We’re completing the saga. We’re not finishing the Skywalkers necessarily. They can always, in one way or another, reappear. For right now it is bringing it to a close."
TROS introduced new ideas that definitely seem to be setting up for future stories. Finn being Force sensitive is a big one, and he kept wanting to tell Rey but never got around to it. We also have Rey shown with a new lightsaber.
And even Ben getting his scar healed. Yes, that could have just been symbolically done for the few minutes he was in the movie after this scene, but if he were in stories in the future it becomes much more important to have this done in the movie.
After all the foreshadowing in TLJ I refuse to believe that Rey and Ben together aren't the balance of the Force. Which doesn't work too well if Ben is dead. (But granted TROS threw away so much of what happened in TLJ I recognize this may not be the best point.)
So TROS set up Ben and Rey to have this crazy epic bond, a dyad in the Force unseen for generations. Why on earth would SW create this just to throw it all away?
Ben was already the most popular character, even before his redemption. And just look at him now! Still Ben but finally free and full of the Solo swagger. He was incredible! If I trust anything it's Disney wanting to make $$$, and discarding their best character is pretty stupid.
And now him and Rey could be the most awesome power couple unlike anything we’ve ever seen. The absolutely opportunity here! Just think of the possible stories this could open up! I honestly cannot image DLF setting something like this up, and then just throwing it all away.
So all this begs the question: Why would they kill Ben?

As much as we all love him, he did have some things to make up for. And most of the GA has no idea how tragic his back story is. (Something I will never forgive SW for not including in the movies.)
(Seriously Lucasfilm how do you set up a lie for 2 movies that he slaughtered innocent students and then not reveal the truth that he was completely innocent in the last movie. How? HOW???!!!!)
So assuming Ben is coming back... then MY GOD what an epic romance this story is! Ben sacrificing himself to save Rey, without even knowing if she loves him in return, is so insanely selfless and beautiful.
And anyone who has been hating on him for years, or thought Reylo was abusive or whatever they like to say, doesn't have a leg to stand on anymore. He gave up his entire life for her.
Now all that being said: Do I think it was ok to end the saga like this? No. It's supposed to be the end of the Skywalker saga, and ending this story by killing every last Skywalker and Rey's literal soulmate, is honestly unacceptable.

[That's all for now - will keep updating]
Rewatched the movie and found more clues (Forgive me I'm going to butcher these quotes. When Leia walked off to die, Maz said it was going to take all her strength to do what she has to do next. Last I checked it doesn’t take that much strength to die or whisper “Ben” to her son.
Then when Rey was on Ahch-To with Luke, he said that Leia sensed her son’s death at the end of her Jedi path. So Leia definitely knew what was going to happen.
Also at the end of the movie Lando asked Jannah where she’s from and she said she didn’t know. So he said to her “let’s find out.” This story is definitely continuing on.
This rumor is from "sources close to WGTC – the same ones who told us about Ewan McGregor’s Obi-Wan return back in May, along with the “special connection” Palpatine and Rey share in Rise" These sources also said that Hux was a traitor. So they've been legit so far.
From an interview in December: “Driver has been involved with the “Star Wars” universe for more than half a decade. But he says this is his first trip to Lucasfilm in San Francisco...
...The interview will be followed by a chauffeured trip to Skywalker Ranch in Marin County. He doesn’t even try to contain his excitement“

Read into that what you will but it seems odd to me that he just went there for the first time. After being finished making all the movies?
This honestly looks like our answer right here. Credit to reylospacebear on tumblr. #BenSolo #benlives
This fandom is the best we will find everything...
Ahch-To is connected to Exogol and the WBW
Not to be a downer on this positive thread but want to address this:
1. Adam is just talking about 2020 here and he deserves a well earned break
2. Even if he had SW plans he couldn’t possibly say anything. His character is supposed to be dead. Ewan McGregor lied about Obi-Wan for 4 years

3. Even if we don’t get Adam back, that doesn’t mean it’s the end of Ben. This is SW. There’s still animated series, books, and comics
My brain over here refusing to let this go:

So if Ben is in the World Between Worlds, which has pathways that exist between time and space. And Reylo’s dyad bond literally connects them across time and space...
...then shouldn’t they be able to connect with each other? Even without Rey traveling to the WBW? They are literally supposed to be able to connect across time and space. (fanfic authors get to work)
Star Wars would have to be really REALLY stupid not to bring him back
I absolutely refuse to believe that they'd flat out write that Rey is increasingly isolated unless they were planning on fixing this. Cause that's just way too depressing.
Watching the Rebels WBW episode for research, and not like we need further confirmation, but Ezra surrounded by stars with all the voices speaking to him reminds me so much of Rey looking at the stars on Exegol hearing all the voices of the past. Very obvious parallels here.
We also hear Maz saying "the belonging you seek is not behind you"
Even the place Ahsoka ends up after going through the portal weirdly reminds me of Exegol. Also Exegol being connected to the WBW explains why we hear her voice talking to Rey at the end of TROS when she's not a Force ghost.
The second unit director of TROS tweeting out this Rumi quote. Is this a clue or is she just bitter? It's hard to tell nowadays.
Still thinking about this - so the Visual Dictionary lets us know that the fissures on Exegol contain a transportative vergence. And then TROS has Ben fall down into one of these fissures. That is SO suspicious.
Just my current theory based on the above information
To add to my above theory:

The World Between Worlds is now also known as the VERGENCE Scatter. No way the 'transportative vergence' in the fissures isn't the access to the WBW. The clues are starting to fit together a little too perfectly. #bensololives
Matt Martin at it again - answering the question on if the story group has creative control on characters coming back.
Now let's look at the kinds of stories they've been telling. Rebecca Roanhorse is the author of Resistance Reborn (released in Nov). Showing former Imperials being able to atone for their past and work with the Resistance. Click to read the tweet she 💙.
This isn't a clue but my own rambling on how killing Ben broke the entire story SW has been setting up this whole time. Which to me is further evidence that they're planning on bringing him back.
Does Matt Martin not even know what happened? He wouldn't answer if Ben is a Force ghost and appears to be coming up with his own theories.... if Ben were dead would he need a theory on what happened?
Screenshotting this one so I stop sending him notifications. đŸ€Ł
I need to stop stalking Matt. But he also doesn't believe that the voices speaking to Rey at the end are Force ghosts. #wbw
*whispers* Because he's not dead
A more in depth look at the voices in the Rebels WBW episode. SO👏MUCH👏FORESHADOWING👏
The quality of my evidence my be going downhill with this one but in Adam Driver we trust?
World Between Worlds?
The visuals for the WBW, the wayfinder, and Mortis are all basically the same. Everything is connected. What does this mean!?! 👀
I honestly have no idea what's going on here but it's going on the list as well because we already have those two Reylo split images, and now we have this one too. It's the last page of the Art of TROS book and it shows Ben in some mysterious place.
Here's a look at what eclipse symbolism means in literature and it fits so perfectly with Ben's story and the dyad. Eclipses and suns have been featured heavily in this story, marketing, and even, apparently, in the Jedi texts.
Adam loves and misses Ben. I think it's very safe to say he'd come back for him. Also I'm a conspiracy theorist now.
It just dawned on me that Rey accesses the WBW while Ben is down in the pit. Is this why she was able to access it? Because Ben, her dyad, had access to it? This seems significant somehow.
Hold the fuck up... Adam? ADAM??
I finally got my hands on the TROS Visual Dictionary and it's fascinating. EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED.
I just noticed that the Jedi compass also has the same visual design of the lines and circles all branching out from one large circle . This appeared already in TLJ. Seriously how long has this been planned?
Somehow I made it this far without ever actually posting an image of the World Between Worlds. Lines and circles everywhere. #bensololives
Based on everything I've now learned from TROS, the Visual Dictionary, and Rebels, here's my current thoughts on how Leia saved Ben #BenSoloLives
Alright Pablo Hidalgo’s layout of The Dark Crystal is super interesting. 👀 This movie is basically a giant parallel to SW. I can’t help but notice that the prophecy in The Dark Crystal occurs when the 3 suns line up. Then we have all the sun and eclipse imagery in TROS.
Dark Crystal ends with the light and dark sides which separated years ago joined back together. Reminds me of the dyad and the Rule of Two having similarities, probs starting off the same, but sometime in the past they split in two. Interesting theory here
Pablo Hidalgo wrote the Visual Dictionary so he’s the one who put all the sun symbolism, dyad, and WBW stuff in there. HE KNOWS THINGS. #FixTheMyth
The end of the Rumi poem is basically the WBW:

People are going back and forth across the doorsill
where the two worlds touch.
The door is round and open.

Also now realized Vic Mahoney's tweet gave us more sun images. Wtf.
Thanks @OutletFangirl for reminding me of the full poem
I keep thinking about how Filoni advised Rian to watch the Mortis Clone Wars eps while Rian was writing TLJ. We know Mortis is related to the WBW and then we have the mirror cave scene which shows Ben behind the mirror that connects to the WBW.
An official poster for TROS showed Rey's illuminated footsteps, which is the same thing that happens with Ezra when he walks in the WBW. (Also this entire thread is great)
I sound like a broken record by now but literally everything being released by LF recently is connected and pointing to the WBW. This even includes Vader comics and Vader Immortal which has Vader trying to bring back Padme. More reverse Anidala parallels.
Filoni is talking about Ahsoka, but this can def apply to Ben too. It's a great reminder that death isn't so absolute in SW... especially if said death is already super ambiguous. ;) Also find it interesting that Ahsoka gets addressed but still not Ben. Almost like he's a secret.
Some things here have already been said but I also noticed some new things regarding Leia's vision and her plan for saving Ben. I broke it down step by step.
Way back in Dec we were informed that the dyad bond, just like the WBW, connects across time and space and I hypothesized that they should still be able to communicate. Well now we have proof.

"No one's ever really gone"
There is so much more evidence to the "I'll come back for you sweetheart" voice being Ben's than I ever realized. And this now makes a lot of sense considering it's confirmed that he can still speak to Rey. Ben is coming back for her.
Matt is my favorite person at Lucasfilm
Because I'm literally incapable of stopping, here's my thread on how Mortis is the same as the World Between Worlds
Hi. Hello. Leia saved Ben.
So 2 months ago we get Pablo changing his layout to Dark Crystal and now we have Matt watching the series. Very interesting, Lucasfilm. Very interesting indeed.
Clues from the Junior Novelization (I know I never linked any clues from the adult novel to this thread because there were so many I got overwhelmed... I may still do that one day.)
Ben is coming back for Rey
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