My football index journey so far, a thread:
The point of this thread is to show how I learnt from my mistakes when I first joined the index.
This is my portfolio on the 6th December, 1 month after I joined, during this month I deposited 5k which quickly became 20k. I was frustrated from this screenshot because I realised although I’d made £1000 on my portfolio, my all time profit was basically £0.
I figured the reason for this was because I was buying and selling too many players as I learnt about the index, I realised old buys were bad and kept reshuffling my portfolio and lost out on commission which is why the cost of my portfolio is 17.8k when it should be 18.8k.
At this point I was in love with the index and had prove it works so I decided to deposit another 20k, however the aim was to allow me to buy all the players I want without having to sell and lose on commission. At this point I made a rule: No selling through panic or injuries
This was my portfolio on the 6th December after the deposit, I stuck to my new rules and by the 20th December I’d not lost any money on commission, but in the 2 weeks my P/L went from 1.2k to 3.5k, putting my all time profit well over 2k in TWO WEEKS😍
I decided to deposit my final 20k on the 20th because I was so happy with how things were going and because of the 2k cushion I now had that lowered my risk. I have just reached the 4K mark on my P/L, £500 since yesterday when I put 20k in. I’m over the moon, love this app🚀❤️
Thank you for reading guys, the message I hope you take from this is that I made £0 in my first month on the index but learnt a lot. I used what I had learnt from researching and the amazing football index community to pick a strategy and in the last two weeks have gone from £0..
to over £2500 all time profit using this strategy. Trust the process everyone and don’t give up when you have red days, the app is about to fly🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
You can follow @FIJoeSmith.
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