@jk_rowling understands that childhood is a sacred space and time to be protected, as does UK law. That is why a child is deemed not competent to have a tattoo until they are 18. However, now an 11 yr old can be deemed competent to decide to take puberty blocking drugs.
These drugs do not cure cancer. These are a medical first response to gender dysphoria, a state of mind where a child feels that their gender identity is in conflict with their natal sex. This approach might be understandable if there was such a thing as "gender identity" (GI).
There is no medical/scientific basis for GI. It is postmodern ideology emanating from Queer theory. No child is born with a gender identity & in the wrong body as GI theory states, & there is no support for GI theory in mainstream child development science. It is an adult belief.
Yet we allow children to make decisions that will harm their pubescent development & will have long term implications on their adult lives on the basis of their 11 yr old sense of identity? Children cannot know their future, so we as adults must protect their future adult selves.
No child has the capacity/competence to make decisions that will impact on their adult lives. An 11 yr old cannot predict how they will be at 15 or 35 -Could you? How can they know what type of society will develop in that time, in which they will be living their 11 yr old life?
But we promote the idea that children who are confused about one part of their ever changing identity - their gender - should as a first step take drugs which are known to be harmful to their physical development as well as impact on their mental and emotional development.
Oh no, the order of the tweets has come out wrong again. Oh well.
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