I’m honestly glad this FOC shit is blowing up.

Moving forward:

1) This user really, genuinely needs to come out with an official apology, or at least a statement. Not just an offhand tweet, a public fucking acknowledgement.
2) This really needs to fire us up and start a fucking conversation about the puritanical white supremacy present in antis. Not just thinkpieces, good though they may be, but actual, straight up online activism and calls for change.
3) It is time to go from tumblr debates and the occasional article to full community organization. It’s time to start a fucking movement. It’s time to be louder then they are numbered—that’s certainly what they’ve been doing to use this whole time.
The bigotry they spew has gotten progressively worse because it’s largely unchecked. Most of us try not to play unfair, but they’re not giving us that in turn, are they?
We don’t need to harass people or doxx them or otherwise hurt people (which they fucking do, no matter how much we ask them nicely not to), but we need to get fucking angry real fucking loudly.
Call them fucking racist when they’re fucking racist. Call them fucking sexist. Call them aphobic, transphobic, ableist, bigoted, ignorant, horrid.
Stop. Coddling them. If they whine at you to delete a post you made where you screenshotted them saying some neo-nazi-but-woke sounding shit: don’t.
This isn’t fucking okay. This hasn’t fucking been okay for a while. Antis, fandom policies, radfems, whatever, they should not fucking feel (socially) safe talking this shit in overarching fandom. They should not be given majority rule. Nope.
I’m pissed. “Freak of Color”? Fuck you.
This cannot become the new normal. It just fucking can’t.

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