My fav 2019 kpop songs .
- a тнread -
Starting with exo because if not , with who I'm gonna start ? y know
1. City Lights - Baekhyun .
I can't just talk about one song in this album cuz I just CAN'T , I wasn't excited for his solo debut for nothing . He didn't disappoint and gave us the masterpiece City Lights album is . Personally , from the 6 albums we got from exo as a whole and
solos / subunits , this album is my favorite , I'm glad he went with RnB instead of the typical ballad . So if I talk about each song alone :
1. UN village : didn't like it as much as I do now from the first few listenings , the most satisfying thing in it is the way he controls his voice and plays with the notes . Listening to other covers of it u can see how it is a BAEKHYUN song , he took the song to another level .
2.Psycho : tbh I didn't like this one AT ALL when he used to perform it at elyixion , but the studio ver is SO GOOD . The beat drop after " GAME OVER " whew chef's kiss , the high note at the end also added smth to the song I love it . The lyrics kinda creepy but he killed it
3. Stay up ft beenzino : A BOP , beenzino's part is iconic and their voices go together so WELL I hope they can perform it live together one day
4. ice queen : the last part is my favorite , another BAEKHYUN song . It just goes with his voice so well effortlessly
5. Diamond : when they first dropped the teasers it was my favorite , the " diamond u do , u got me shining with u " is so SEXY , and catchy af I love it the most
6.Betcha : just because it's my least fav doesn't mean it's not good , I love how the whole album got the same vibe and then he broke it with betcha , it's one of the best songs to perform live and got the crowd hyped up . it's just a casual summer bop everyone can enjoy
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