Three and a half years ago, Molly and I took a trip to Seattle. We had only been dating for about eight months, but we were already very much in love. While there, we popped into a vintage jewelry shop just for the hell of it. At one point, Molly put an emerald ring on her finger
She looked at me and said “if you ever decide to propose to me, try to find a ring that looks something like this.” I understood. It matched her eyes. Anyway, the very next day, I snuck back to the shop and bought that exact ring. And then I hid it
I hid it in a small box that I kept behind our bed, mostly full of receipts and menus, nothing really interesting. When I put it in the box I had no plan and truly no idea for how and when I would open that box again
For three years, Molly and I slept in bed with that box about two feet from us every single night. Molly thought that the ring had been lost to the sands of time. I knew it was only just a matter of time
A few days ago, we got on a flight to Japan, one of our favorite places in the world. For the first time in three years, the ring came with me
Yesterday, on a beautiful, snowy day in Hokkaido, I put the ring in my pocket as we went out to ski. I was nervous, terrified, on the verge of shitting myself for a few hours, not because of what she might say, but because I wanted to make sure I made the moment special for her
Halfway down a run, I asked her to stop a take a picture. We did. I took off my skis and she said “Why are you taking your skis off? What are you doing? Let’s go.”
So I took her by the hands and looked her straight in the eyes and I said “Molly, it’s happening.”
I reached into my pocket and pulled out the ring. I got down on one knee and told her how much I loved her, how much she improves every single moment of my life, and how impossible it is for me to envision going on without her
I asked her to marry me
And she said yes
It would be impossible to express how happy we are right now. We have each other, our friends and family, and we also have all of you, many of whom have been with us for our entire relationship. Please know every word you write is meaningful to us, we are reading and cry-smiling
We’re going to get off our phones for a few hours and hit the slopes, since yesterday I ruined all the skiing by proposing on our second run. I’m gonna just be focusing on not hurting myself. We love you all and can’t wait to continue celebrating
Here we are, revisiting the spot where we got engaged yesterday. Today was sunny and bright and beautiful. I hope we get to do this many more times over the course of our lives together. Best few days of my life ❤️
It is also worth noting, again, that in a day absolutely brimming with tears and laughs and smiles, many of those smiles came from seeing what so many of you wrote to us. We are forever indebted to so many of you for your kindness and support over all these years. Thank you
Even though our pictures look super private, and we felt totally alone, we were, in fact, right in the middle of a run, as evidenced by this absolutely perfect photobomb
Spending our first few days as an engaged couple in Tokyo 🇯🇵
Oh and then last night she asked ME to marry HER
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