My mum, @Northernlawyer, sadly died late on Wednesday night, surrounded by family. She succumbed suddenly to infection after two years with a ludicrously aggressive case of myeloma.

When she was fit, she loved being on Twitter. So I'm gonna share some memories of her.
Weirdly, many of my more recent photos seem to be from protests and demos. To say she packed a lot into her final years would be an understatement. Here she is, in a proud moment, not allowing Claire Fox to get away with her past statements.
Here she is in London. Not sure which one this was.
And here, on another occasion, again in London. The face mask was necessary because she was at huge risk of infection. Definitely a risk-taker, this one.
And here she was, just a few weeks ago, at the @RemainiacsCast event in Manchester (for which she was very grateful, as she hadn't managed to get to one in London)
In the last few weeks, whenever she'd go out, she would exclusively choose bars based on whether they would do her a Brandy Alexander.
We went to a performance of Handel.
We went to the Isle of Portland. She loved the sea, and the stone.
We went to Paris, a city she loved and where she lived for a while.
We went to Normandy, and popped to see some ships in Portsmouth on our way back
We went to Ypres, to see the trenches and the cemeteries and the Menin Gate
We went, erm, to a Tommy Robinson rally - in opposition, of course
We went to the Arndale, and accidentally stumbled upon the cricket world cup trophy before the competition started.
We went on a big family holiday to Tuscany. It was beautiful, and she and I both had an almost spiritual experience just staring out at it.

We also went to the walled fort town of Monteriggioni, where I had to carry her wheelchair up a flight of stairs to get that picture.
We went to Tankfest at the tank museum. She loved it. Here she is sitting in the back of a "Kleines Kettenkraftrad HK 101", a German WW2 era half track motorcycle.
We went to a black tie do for her sister's birthday.
We went to Bristol for my brother's graduation. Here she can just be seen enjoying the Clifton Suspension Bridge, which is admittedly very cool.
Those are some personal highlights, drawn from what I happened to have on my phone. Almost all of it is from the last couple of years, when she was "living life to the fullest".

We have these memories, but my mother is gone now. I will love and miss her for the rest of my life.
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