not her coming after gabby for showing me a screenshot that ‘was out of context to look antisemitic’ when i literally have dozens of screenshots of her being antisemitic all on her own without gabbys help
anyways she blocked me after saying this. she’s right, antizionism isn’t antisemitism. but that doesn’t mean antizionists cant be antisemitic. let’s just go over some of the antisemitic shit she’s said. 😀
ps i’m pro palestine. i shouldn’t have to preface this. i can still be pro palestine and call her out for being antisemitic.
ok so she deleted these all but yahood means jew in arabic. she’s saying god curse the jews in multiple of these tweets as recent as three years ago. she can’t argue that she didn’t know what it meant bc there’s literally arabic words for israeli and for zionist.
then there’s that time (on my old acct) where she was using the word zio. i understand why she may have used that as a shortening of zionist. however, it’s actually a white supremacist buzzword so we told her. she then went on to use it AFTER we told her and then -
pretended that we had never told her that it was an antisemitic slur/buzzword. 😀😀
here’s her using antisemitic tropes on her cc (replacing an antisemitic trope w zionist instead of jew doesn’t change its origin (jews are liars, blood libel)) she also said she can’t be antisemitic bc palestinians are also semitic as if antisemitic isn’t a term -
specifically regarding hatred against jews. like this is common fucking knowledge. honestly, idgaf y’all don’t need to cancel her but maybe stop worshipping the ground she steps on idk
also she’s highkey elitist but that’s a story for another time.
also ALSO if u aren’t jewish u have no place to tell me whether or not these things are antisemitic. 😀
bitch tf these aren’t fucking ‘zionist tactics’ y’all tryna CANCEL me bc i call out blatant antisemitism from someone who happens to be palestinian is dumb as fucking hell. i knew this was gonna happen though oh fucking well.
also lol blocking jews when they call u out isn’t a good look.
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