I'm publicly committing to the 100DaysOfCode Challenge starting tomorrow! Learn More and Join me! https://100DaysOfCode.com  #100DaysOfCode

So help me GodπŸ™‹β€β™€.. Lol
Day 001: Had a really had time fitting the listview and a few other widgets & classes into a scaffold.. Buh after reading a bunch of articles on listview and taking a nap, turned out it wasn't that much of a big deal..
Day 002: Learnt how to change an app icon in flutter. Started working on recreating @udacity's court_counter app in flutter..
Day 003: Recreated @udacity's court counter app using flutter, but with a few modifications.. Had a hard time settling with one color theme tho..
#flutterdev #newbie
Day 005: Continued Angela's course on Udemy and recreated the miCard.
#flutterdev #newbie
Day 006: Started learning about stateful apps with Angela and working on the dicee app..
#flutterdev #newbie
Day 007: I dare say i was productive todayπŸ™‚.. Finally fixed the androidX issue, pheewww!.. Leatnt about intents and gesture detection in flutter..
#flutterdev #newbie
Day 008: learnt variables and data types in flutter.. Completed the dicee app😊
Day 009: Cloned a github project buh then logged into multiple errors, so i ran lol.. Created a new project and worked on this UI instead.. Now I'm done and back to my error page, send help, pliss!😩
Day 010: Wow!, it's 10 days alreadyπŸ˜‚..Well, still didn't have the will to fix the errors. I sha tried, buh it didn't go away, so i ran, again..This time i learnt how to use git command line..yeah, i said hit command line, lol..So i pushed all my un-pushed projects, felt goodπŸ˜ƒ
Day 011: i literally just fixed this error..which kin thing be this sef.. Spent about 2 hours running, building and syncing and failing.. finally de-errored this project, pheeewww! πŸ˜ƒ
Day 012: finally completed section 8: boss level challenge of the Angela Yu's course.. Setting up the project alone took days, lol.. Also learnt about basic types and variable declarations in kotlin..

PS: this app answers every question you ask itπŸ˜‰
Day 013: started and completed a course on contributing to open source on the http://egghead.io  platform.. I'd still need to retake the course tho cause, damn!, so many git commandsπŸ˜’
Day 014: learned about basic types, classes, and primary constructors in Kotlin.. And when my head started paining me, i tried cloning this dial pad UI i came across on dribble in flutter .. Btw, happy new year people!
Day 015: started taking the kotlin for Android basics course on udacity and started working on the project in the first module.. Also read a few tech articles..
Day 016: Started section 9 of Angela Yu's Flutter bootcamp on udacity..
Day 017: learnt about flutter packages and how to incorporate them into projects.. Also learnt about advanced dart functions, how to use input arguments in a function and how to return an output using a dart function..
Day 018: It's official, androidX is not a nice dude😏..had real issues when i tried to run the cloned xylophone project on my IDE.. After i was able to fix the error, i had another issue trying to incorporate a package into the project.. It didn't end in tears tho
Day 019: Finshed learning about functions and finally finished working on the xylophone project..
Day 020: Relearned functions in kotlin: basic and advanced functions, conditionals and classes..
Day 021: Learned more about classes in kotlin..constructors, returns and inheritance.. Continued with the kotlin for Android basics course on udacity..
Day 022: Was finally cleared on for loops, learned about the toString function and the Random function in kotlin..
Day 023: learned about namespaces in android, gradle, android compatibility and a lil bit about vector drawables.. Finished module 1 of Udacity's Kotlin for Android bootcamp..and guess what people.. It rolls!! πŸ˜€
Day 024: Completed the week 1 project for #SCAMentoringProgram.. It's a Kotlin file that stores and returns basic user data
Day 025: forgot to post, Feck!.. Learned and worked dart List<>.. Started module two of the kotlin course on Udacity..
Day 026: learned layout editing in android: text views and how to style them, adding fonts to a project, image view and scroll view.. Ran into an error adding a font thoπŸ˜ͺ.. e go beπŸšΆπŸΎβ€β™€
Day 027: Fixed the error from last night, God is good.. Learned how to cast views, onClickListener and how to use dataBinding instead of findViewById..I'll have to re-learn it to actually learn it thoπŸ˜ͺ..Worked up this lil guy with dataBinding..and it scrolls too😊
Day 028: Today wasn't a very good dayπŸ˜ͺ.. Buh, I started working with constraint layout today, learned the basic tools in using constraints..
Day 029: Finally fixed the bug from Tuesday... completed the lesson on constraints layout and started working on the project for week 2 of the #SCAMentoringProgram...
Day 030: Finished the first part of the project for week 2: two UI mock ups using constraint layout..
Day 031: finished the second part of week 2 project.. Pheewww!... Yeah, i know the UI sucks😴
Day 032: Learned how to add images to a github readme.. Started the lesson on app navigation.. Learned the principles of navigation in android and started learning fragments..
Happy Sunday yall😊
Day 033: what did i do today?.. Well, i was introduced to the 'not-very-nice'side of gradle.. Cloned this project from github, then gradle refused to stop 'syncing'πŸ˜”.. It's still syncing incase you're wondering...
Day 034: After about 27 hours of gradle sync issues, ladies and gentlemen, my project synced and built.. Had to update Android plugin, update gradle plugin, clear my gradle cache and then download a new version of gradle.. Las las the project built 😊
Day 035: Continued learning about the android navigation system. Learned about how to create fragments in android and connect them to one another, learned how back stacks work and how to add the android up button and the menu button..
Day 036: Thanks to the lack of power i didn't do much today.. I was able to fix some errors i carried over from yesterday..and started learning about intents..
Day 037: Today was a lot more productive than yesterday. I learned how to use intents in android.. How to add animations and navigation drawers to an Android app.. Hence, i completed the android trivia app😊
Day 038: What a week!😩.. Spent the whole day working on this project.. I was able to finish las las
Day 039: started learning about activity life cycle and fragment life cycle.. Also had a hard time with gradle sync, fixed it tho.. I'm almost convinced the gradle guy doesn't like meπŸ˜’
#100DaysofCode #WomenWhoCode
Day 040: pheeewww!😴.. Still having issues adding the timber library to this project..
#100DaysofCode #WomenWhoCode
Day 041: I finally was able to add the library.. Learned about the components of the activity lifecycle and when each of them are called.
#100DaysOfCode #WomenWhoCode
Day 042: Forgot to post.. I learned how the onCreateInstanceState and the onRestoreInstanceState works in android..
#100DaysofCode #WomenWhoCode
Day 043: I basically started learning how to properly write a READme document in a github project.. I'm supposed to start reading Clean Code by Robert C. Martin, so help me GodπŸ˜‚
#100DaysofCode #WomenWhoCode
Day 044: learned the markdown syntax and how to use it in github readmes.. Also learned how to make github profiles look catchy.. Started the lesson on android architecture..
#100DaysofCode #WomenWhoCode
Day 045: Learned how to use ViewModel and LiveData to modify app architecture.. Tweaked my github profile a lil, a lil oo..
#100DaysOfCode #womenwhocode
Day 046: learned about encapsulation in view models.. Started learning about events and state..
#100DaysofCode #womenwhocode
Day 047: Learned how to make use of ViewModelFactory to tell the ViewModel how to handle data.. I have a pending bug, but I'm currently tired so, it'll have to chill😩..
#100DaysOfCode #WomenWhoCode
Day 048: Could tweet yesterday.. Ok, i fixed the bug from Monday yesterday .. and it lead right to another bug. Tried fixing it, but i couldn't.. Still haven't fixed it..
#100DaysOfCode #WomenWhoCode
Day 049: Still on the bug from yesterday, haven't fixed it.. I'm actually carrying it over to tomorrow😴.. Worked on this other little project..
#100DaysOfCode #WomenWhoCode
Day 050: Didn't do much today.. Got started on using databinding in LiveData.. Checked out a codelab on livedata and set up postman on my pc... 50 more days to go, i just might be able to pull this thing off after all 😊😊..
#100DaysOfCode #womenwhocode
Day 051: Tried and currently trying to build my own guess it app from scratch.. Did it end in tears?.. Well, it's currently in tears rn but it hasn't ended so i guess it's safe to say there's still hope...
#100DaysOfCode #WomenWhoCode
Day 052: After much ado, i fixed this error by restarting my pcπŸ˜’.. I continued my lesson for the week: using databinding with ViewModel..
#100DaysOfCode #WomenWhoCode
Day 053 & 054: Thanks to lack of electricity, i couldn't do much yesterday.. I sha was able to complete the lesson, learned using databinding and transmissions map.. Today? I tried using shared preferences... Started learning about room database..
#100DaysOfCode #womenwhocode
Day 055: I'm yet to get to the 'it gets better' part of all thisπŸ˜–.. I continued the task on shared preferences, logged into an error i haven't been able to fix and my PC died, currently waiting on NEPA.. Started working on this other project..
#100DaysOfCode #WomenWhoCode
Day 066: Figured out what was wrong with my shared preferences project, thanks to @zennymorh_. Read a briefing about SQL. Did and re-did the model class of a weather app project. now working on getting http response and displaying weather information
#100DaysofCode #womenwhocode
Day 056*.. My badπŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€
Day 057: this was yesterday.. Couldn't tweet cause of lack if electricity among other things.. Ok.. I rebuilt the model class for the http request and then battled with actually getting and displaying data from the url...
#100DaysOfCode #womenwhocode
Day 058: today.. After 2 other trials, i was finally able to get data from the url and parse it to my UI.. I still have to tweak a few thing in the UI, buh the hard part is over.. Oh, and happy Valentine's Day folks😊
#100DaysofCode #womenwhocode
Day 059: Resumed my shared preferences project.. I really don't know why databinding is like this towards me😣.. Sha I'm currently waiting for them to bring light😏
#100DaysofCode #womenWhoCode
Day 060: I'm honestly tired of this shared preferences task 😭.. Just started the lesson on adapters..
#100DaysOfCode #womenwhocode
Day 061: Was learning about using recyclerViews and adapters to display texts in a list.. I'll be reverting to room database..
#100DaysOfCode #womenwhocode
Day 062: started the lesson on room database.. Learned about data access objects..
#100DaysofCode #WomenWhoCode
Day 063: Today was 😩... I learned about room database and just completed an exercise on creating one..
#100DaysOfCode #WomenWhoCode
Day 064: added a ViewModel to the project. Learned about multithreading and coroutines and implemented coroutines..
#100DaysOfCode #womenwho
Day 065: implemented recording sleep quality and the navigation... Learning about transformation maps..
Day 066: on displaying sleep nights and stuck on a bug.. Something about not finding FragmentSleepTrackerBindingImpl.. Tried a few stackoverflow fixed and ran 'invalidate and restart' a number of times, no change.. I'm too exhausted to persist so...
Day 067: @zennymorh_ Saving my life again. She helped me fix my bug, thanks girlπŸ€—.. Added sleep quality and navigation to the app, was too tired to do much..
Day 068: (heaves a sigh of relief 😴) Finally finished this lesson after 2 weeks, what a long content🀧.. I Used Transformation maps to set button stated and i implemented a snack bar.. Currently about to start the lesson on recyclerView..
Day 069: Started the course on RecyclerView again.. Learned about adapters and implemented one.. Started learning about viewHolders.
Day 070: Was finally given the go ahead to fix an issue on this organization's code. I'm currently at the point where I'm to write the code to fix the issue and i have to say, this thing is a bit harder than they make it out to beπŸ˜–.. Also learned about viewHolders
Day 071: Didn't feel the need to tweet yesterday cause i couldn't do much.. Learned about viewHolders Refactor.. Basically 😣
Day 072: It gets worse.. Didn't do much today either 😩.. Learned about data refreshing lists and how to track changes in a RecyclerView using diffUtilCallBack
Day 073: i was way more productive today.. Implemented databinding in the project, learned how to use GridLayouts, implement a clickListener and use headers in GridLayout.. Up next: Retrofit..
Days 074 and 075: It's safe to say I've been a bit distracted from coding by code, lol. Took on a small gig and i kinda forgot to tweet. worked with json and http requests. Worked with spinners and radio buttons today. Been writing a lot of xml too
#100DaysOfCode #WomenWhoCode
Day 076: that was yesterday btw. Was too busy to tweet.. Too busy reading and writing java code.. Yeah, you heard right, Java! Believe me, i tried to run😏.. I mostly worked on using getters and setter to add logic to radio buttons...
Days 077 and 078: Been so busy with this project i forget to tweet.. Worked with databinding in java.. Currently working on getters and setters in kotlin with databinding.. I know right πŸ˜‰
Day 079 and 080: Finally finished with this other project.. Started another one this evening πŸ˜ͺ.. Added the necessary libraries and incoporated databinding and fragments into the project.. Now I'm going to sleep..
Day 081: Pheewww!.. Today was a stressfully productive day.. After frustatingly being stuck on 'end point' and parsing json for a while.. @Zfinix1 helped me figure it out and i was able to successfully parse..
Day 082: Added coroutines and ViewModel into the project.. Currently stuck on displaying my data in a RecyclerView.. The articles aren't helping much, i need help πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺ
Day 083: So, i deleted everything, the view model factory, the adapter class and the view holder.. I'll be starting afresh today.. Inserts hope*
Day 084: It works!! The damn RecyclerView works!!!.. After a lot of 'I'm stuck' episodes and a live coding session with @zennymorh_, it finally works πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί, I'm so emotional rn.. There's still a lot of work to be done, but it fucking works!!!
Day 085 & 086: Spent hours unproductively writing code on day 85, sigh. After which i experienced what i think was a burnout.. Yesterda, i setup the second fragment and its RecyclerView and added an onClickListener.. Then the app crashed when i added navigation...
Day 087: Following the bug from navigation, i couldn't find a way around it so i removed the clicklistener and navigation code. I rewrote the clicklistener, it works.. Currently trying to figure out the navigation.. As soon as light comes back sha..
Day 087: So i fixed up the navigation to fragment 2 earlier today, like, it works.. Yayy me.. It's been utter darkness since then... Currently working on the layout for the second fragment
Day 088: That was yesterday btw.. I finally decided how i wanted my second fragment to look.. I'll be using tab layout.. I added the layout, and fixed the bugs that came with it.. There's been no light since then so I'm waiting on them..
Day 089: So they brought light, i passed arguments from fragment one to fragment two, at least i thought i did.. Turns out i didn't do it properly so now I'm back to being stuck.. I'm figuring it out tho, and they've taken light again 😏
Day 090: OK, so i passed the argument, properly.. Everything looks good, the code is beautiful, but the app's still crashing, something about null and non-null.. Frustrating.. I'm frustrated and hurtπŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺ
Day 091: i DIDN'T pass the argument properly.. Heck, I've been writing wrong code πŸ˜–.. I did a lot of staring today, at my code.. Then i read a document, and tried implementing.. Then went back to reading code, sigh.. At least now i know what to do.
Day 092: i passed arguments, properly this time.. finished the first two tab layouts, ingredients and steps.. It really feels good.. @zennymorh_ thanks girl πŸ™‡πŸ½β€β™€..
Day 093: That was yesterday.. Wrote the video fragment of the baking app, the last fragment.. Used exoplayer library for the first time.. Ran the app and for some reason, it wasn't working as it was supposed to. Frustrated, i went to bed πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€
Day 094: Gotta learn how to handle frustration from code, i go off too easily πŸ˜ͺ.. So the app wasn't working properly cause i was missing a line of code πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€.. I'm pretty much done, just have to tweak the UI a bit..
Day 095: Turns out 'tweaking UI' ain't as easy as it sounds.. Was basically tweaking UI for the better part of the day.. And I'm happy to say that the App's done!! πŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ’ƒπŸ½.. 😁
Day 096: Just 4 days left? ama miss this 😐.. Well, i cleaned up my code and pushed the final push on my app, for now.. Also started the lesson on Caching in android apps 😊
Day 097 and 098: Didn't tweet yesterday cause i didn't do much.. So i started learning about offline caching yesterday.. Learned how and where to store data, about decorating and database objects.. Currently learning how to build a repository..
Day 099: Learned about the using WorkManager for background tasks.. How to create a worker and schedule background work.. Started learning about styling on Android..
Day 100: OMG! πŸ₯Ί. Read up a bit about dependency injection, yikes!. Continued learning about styling. Learned how to make use of attributes, themes and fonts, styles, material design, dimens, etc in making apps look professional..
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