This question just perfectly goes to show there are different facets to intelligence.

Imagine these 4 were each thrown in a box:

(A thread)
1. Professor would've already cut a hole underneath the box well before being placed in it.
He has the ability to perceive and assess possible adverse outcomes and put in measures to avert them.

This is Logical-Mathematical Intelligence.
2. Scofield will, immediately after being placed in it, begin to see the defects and vulnerabilities of the box, and has the ability to find/make the right tools to exploit them out of almost nothing. It's almost like he sees things in Neon.

This is Spatial Intelligence.
3. Reddington can talk his way out of anything. He reads people, and makes friends, even of his enemies. He uses the thoughts, emotions and desires of people as currency to buy what he wants, such as being let out of a box.

He exhibits Interpersonal and Linguistic Intelligence.
4. Tyrion Lannister. This small man understands the world and knows how to make people around him catch a glimpse of it. He knows how to make one see reason by using the right words and capitalising on emotion.

This is Linguistic and Existential Intelligence at its finest.
So who is the most intelligent? Well, the kind of intelligence you're most drawn to will definitely influence your opinion.

Interesting thing is, all four of these men have in one way or the other literally been "thrown in a box" and escaped.
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