1/ Why is buying local so important?

Local food = local money
Eating local means more money stays within your community. Every dollar spent generates twice as much income for the local economy.

#LocalIsLekker #BuyZimProduce #LetsReviveOurEconomy #EmpowerAZimbo #ZimbabwePower
2/ Local food is fresh

Local produce is fresher and tastes better because it is usually sold within 24 hours of being picked. If you buy produce at a conventional grocery store, it may have been kept in storage for days or weeks.

#LocalIsLekker #BuyZimProduce #EmpowerAZimbo
3/ Local food is more ripe

Local produce has longer to ripen on the vine because it doesn’t have to travel long distances. This gives you a tastier, vine-ripened product.

#LocalIsLekker #BuyZimProduce #EmpowerAZimbo #LetsReviveZimEconomy #ZimbabwePower #TogetherWeCan
4/ Eating local is “green”

Eating local reduces your carbon footprint. When your food doesn’t travel long distances, you’re promoting better air quality and reducing pollution.

#LocalIsLekker #BuyZimProduce #TogetherWeCan #EmpowerAZimbo #ZimbabwePower
5/ Local food is seasonal

Buying local food keeps us in touch with the seasons. Not everything is available all year round, meaning what grows is the most abundant, least expensive and at its peak.

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6/ Local food is more pure
When you buy food that travels less distances, its less likely to be contaminated. Buying local is more fulfilling. Knowing that your food has a story and that it came from one of your neighbors makes eating it that much more enjoyable

7/ Local foods have variety
Small-scale, organic farmers are more diversified, simultaneously fueling the sustainability of the land & producing a wider variety of fruits and vegetables.

#LocalIsLekker #BuyZimProduce #TogetherWeCan #EmpowerAZimbo #ZimbabwePower #RebuildZimbabwe
8/ Local foods support responsible land development. When we buy local foods, we support local farmers. This gives those with farms and pastures a reason to develop.
Local food enhances our environment.

#LocalIsLekker #BuyZimProduce #TogetherWeCan #EmpowerAZimbo #ZimbabwePower
9/ The more land that is cultivated organically decreases the overall usage of chemical pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and fertilizers and increases biodiversity in our local ecosystemBuying local enriches our social community.

#LocalIsLekker #BuyZimProduce #TogetherWeCan
10/ When we buy local foods, we create a more intimate relationship with the people who grow our food because they’re our neighbors. We can all play a positive role in resuscitation our Zimbabwe economy by producing & buying local. Iwe neni tine basa rekuvaka Zimbabwe. #BuyLocal
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