Another thread debunking atheism. This time explaining how atheism cannot have morality.

Despite atheists claiming you can have morality without religion, I will simply point out the ironic logical inconsistencies in asserting such a claim

It'll be a quick and easy refutation.
Morality, just like heaven is a religious concept. It's like an atheist trying to prove angels exist but God doesn't. Angels are creations of God after all.

More intelligent atheists like Friedrich Nietzsche realized this.

Source: "The Twilight of Idols" (1889) Nietzsche
Morality i.e good/bad (or right/wrong ; justice/injustice) are defined by God. By definition what good is what God says it is, and vice versa.

Obedience to God's commandments is what is defined as good and disobedience to his commands is defined as bad

The logic is that simple
Now when atheists try to separate morality from God they also need to come up with a logical reason. They get their reasoning from classical liberalism, or a variation of John Stuart Mill's harm principle

Source: "On Liberty" (1859) John Stuart Mill &
This reasoning can be explained as such:

"Happiness and pleasure should be maximized"

"Do what ever you want as long as you don't harm anyone"

Or as the US Declaration of Independence says

"The pursuit of happiness"
The simple refutation to atheism is that atheism itself causes harm and unhappiness

I'm sure you've all seen these mountains of scientific papers on how atheism harms human health, I don't need to show you all of em do I, but here's a example
Wearing hijabs is proven to benefit a woman's mental health, promote body sensitivity, reduce sexual objectification/harassment

Yet atheism in France try to ban hijab, directly harming women. You see the inconsistency.

And that's it, the argument is over, I win again. It's just that easy to refute and debunk atheism. It can be done in minutes.

Even PhD atheist philosophers like Dr. Lars Gule admit this.
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