So I’m gonna rant about how the rule that the split attraction model should only be used for aces/aros is wildly fucked up

Now I can’t speak for aros and what oppression they face so I am speaking from my pov as an asexual.

Rant starting with next tweet
There’s already a huge divide in the lgbtq+ community of wether or not if aces belong. People wanna make rules and decide on who belongs in the community or not when it’s not even their god damn business in the first place. So where the fuck do asexuals stand?
The lgbtq+ community argues if we belong or not and we don’t belong to the cishet community so where do we belong? And with SAM I feel like we are even more pushed out and are being forced into our own group because our sexual attraction is different and isn’t fully understood
It’s like whoever invented SAM and said it’s only for aces/aros sees us as broken and too different so they had to make a whole new type of attraction for us since we don’t fit the stereotypical standards for romance and sexual experiences
And supporting that only aces/aros should use SAM is a slap in the face because it shows that you view us differently compared to the rest of our lgbtq+ peers and it’s not fair. Just because we are different doesn’t mean we deserve to be treated like we are weird and broken
Now they’re are aces/aros who do identify with SAM and of course that’s absolutely valid. But don’t put us in a box and make these new rules that make us even more separated from the lgbtq+ than we already are.
And why can’t other genders and sexualities identify with SAM? Are aces/aros the only sexualities who have different romantic and sexual attractions? Absolutely not and if you think differently you can go fuck yourself. If anything SAM is perfect for bisexuals and pansexuals
So please stop making it harder for aces (and aros in case people also argue this) to feel accepted and belonged to a community that should be full of and support instead of just shoving us into our own circle because you view us differently. Bye.
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