The Great Firewall was one of China's most forward looking policies and resulted in the development of an entire ecosystem of domestic internet companies found basically nowhere else. The idea that it's removal would be fighting the global misinformation war on equal footing is
patently absurd because the majority of Western media companies are de-facto US government owned organizations which has total gate keeper control over who goes in to the system. In addition, requiring that the Chinese fight misinformation in English is again a non-starter simply
because language proficiency issues means that any kind of argument conducted in English would immediately disadvantage the Chinese. This is akin to demanding a 12 year old fight a 24 year old boxer in a "fair fight". The fairness being only in the confrontation and disregarding
the base levels at play. If the Western liberasts had any balls, they would challenge the Chinese on Zhihu and Douban, but a tiny insignificant China hands capable of doing so inevitably end up running for the hills, being regularly out trolled by the native speakers or just as
quickly get banned. There is nothing stopping Westerners from going inside the firewall to debate the Chinese, they are unable to do so, so they instead demand that the Chinese surrender the high ground and volunteer themselves to be surrounded. In addition, it is plain as day
that the ostensible freedoms of Western social media are rapidly vanishing under a tide of government misinformation, corporate compliant shadow bans, "ngo" bot campaigns, algorithmic tweaking, search obscuration, etc all designed to reinforce a status quo that the Western states
momentarily lost control of due to the internet originally bypassing the traditional gate keeping networks that keeps all mass media organizations playing the same tune. The reason that Tik Tok is going to be banned in the US has nothing to do with security nor reciprocity, it is
simply because it isn't a US government controlled media company, thus the tools it has in it's arsenal for "curating" the consensus are not under US government control. This is it's biggest crime.
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