it's absolutely bonkers that @glinner does profile picture dunks on people when he looks like someone threw a bad wig on broken meringue left out in the sun
my dude graham lookin like a bleached chicken nugget that didn't get breaded or cooked all the way
my guy graham lookin like if expired mayonnaise could stop and frisk you in the bathroom
I know I've already said this but ol half melted candle stump lookin ass.
idk maybe we should be nicer to graham, if we also were lab grown from the vomit of a preschooler that eats glue we might end up the same. 😔
my dude looks like held a city ransom threatening to release the gene that makes white people make That Face into the water supply and they couldn't afford to pay it
I never thought a biopsy sample would ask to check what genitals I have but we really are out here in the future folks
honestly you really gotta give graham more credit, for being the first person in the world discovered to have DNA nucleotides that spell out INCEL he's really doing quite well for himself
we should be more understanding that graham doesn't have time to give his scalp Tea Tree oil when he has important work to do vetting T levels of strangers.
I digress, my guy has made it so far for pudding skin draped over a perpetually deflating balloon
I should sleep soon but really, my dude looks like a culture that's been growing in paula deen's compost for a month
I think we all owe a shout out to graham for being brave enough to show us what it would look like if you filled a condom with cottage cheese and beat minorities with it. No one asked to see it but he still consistently delivers.
seriously though, congrats to graham for looking like if you could hardboil an egg -too hard- and still making it work
I've never thought to ask what it would look like if a fault line could be a conspiracy theorist but the absolute unit graham is out here delivering the answer anyway
honestly though my condolences to graham, when you look at him you can tell god forgot to flip the canvas smh
I keep asking graham for a tutorial on how to do that What If A Young Adult Mystery Novel Cover Had A Stroke expression he does but he refuses to deliver the goods.
my guy out here looking like scientists were too busy asking if they could make a cursed golem out of chewed gum stuck to the undersides of chemistry desks to stop and ask if they 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙.
my dude graham looks like how cum in water feels
but really folks, I'm actually glad I know what it would look like if clogged lotion could be fascist now.
Madame Tussaud please come pick up your drippy boy
really though congrats to graham for finding a dark web dealer to sell him women's toenails for the supplements he makes for himself, I know it must be hard to look for them at friends' houses when you keep losing friends.
my guy looks like he puts up anonymous craigslist ads to come skitter around your floors with a magnifying glass looking for dead skin cells
truly unfortunate to see the direction Steve Oedekerk took the Thumbs series tbh
frankly you gotta respect graham for being nice enough to leave stefan molyneux his skull in his will so he can measure it
Good morning to everyone especially Graham's congealed gravy on undercooked biscuits lookin ass
Absolutely wild to see they can take spitwads made from the pages of middle school biology books and make a person out of them, a shame they can't update the content but I guess you just gotta work with what you're given.
Wondering what my pal graham can do to improve his luck, it's unfortunate that he gets hit with a cerebral embolism while trying to figure out how to do duck face in half of the pictures taken of him.
my guy graham out here lookin like a soggy algorithmic composite of pixar villains came to life
graham "340,000 botflies in a suit" linehan
my dude looks like he still doesn't know how to beat beaver bother
my guy graham looks like when he gives you the stink eye you actually can smell it
I've said too much but really you can't help but notice our boy here looks like a pickled big toe
having tasted ranch soda, our special man graham looks how tasting this felt
tfw when you're about to put the orphan boy on food probation and send him back to the factory for having the audacity to ask for more gruel
tfw you force someone to strip to confirm their biological gender and keep their underwear to add to your Victory Quilt
my man graham looking like griffin and justin really lost control in Monster Factory
in all seriousness it's honestly motivational that despite graham's lips trying to contain his opinions he always manages to overcome the adversity and get them out
really though, congrats to my guy for scoring the role as live action maxell mascot
Sorry folks I'm trying to continue this saga but it's very hard to keep writing for such a profoundly bland uninteresting freak whose entire personality is demonizing marginalized people 😔
Look I know it's late but really there is no wrong time to congratulate a blob fish for managing to design a human persona for itself
Happy 2020 folks, Graham Linehan looks like if you could taste the word invertebrate
My dude Graham looks like if a goblin scared itself looking at its own reflection in a pan of cold bacon grease
Graham looks like he's made out of the only thing Andrew Zimmern would refuse to try in Bizzarre Foods
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