I’ve been thinking... (thread)

The thing that scares me the most about our culture is not socialism. It’s not Medicare for All. Not Gun Control or freedom or the economy or taxes or even abortion.

No. The thing that scares me the most is much more destructive & sinister.
What scares me is the belief that is prevalent amongst many, *especially* youth on the left, that discussing, listening to, watching, reading, researching, & questioning ideas is immoral, evil, repugnant, or weak. At the very least it is social suicide.

Group Think is COWARDLY
Most of us have had it happen in one way or another. Raise your hand & offer a dissenting opinion? You’ll be mocked. Wear a MAGA hat? Be attacked. Have a Trump bumper sticker? Car gets vandalized.

Leftists have built an ideological cage for themselves that’s suicidal to leave.
So very few DO leave. They know what happens to people who question the status quo bc they themselves have participated in the mobs humiliating, attacking, & silencing their *own friends* who have attempted to leave before. They have enforced the culture of fear that scares them.
This is why the #WalkAway movement is such a crucial movement & why we as conservatives, Republicans, libertarians, & independents MUST support it. It offers these people who are imprisoned by the Left a certain amount of protection & courage to ask questions & seek truth.
Make no mistake, the Left punishes those who attempt to leave it. The left will attack your job, your reputation, your family, your finances, your social life, & even your physical safety. They are diverse in outward appearance but uniform in ideology & NO exceptions are allowed.
This is so ingrained & understood by those in the left/progressive movement that when debating on Twitter (if you can even get one to engage with you), they will absolutely refuse to look at any source that is not leftist-approved. They will claim it’s not credible, but...
The truth is that the list of unacceptable opinions & people is so extensive that they simply won’t allow themselves to venture outside their bubble. They’re afraid of conflicting information. They’re afraid of diverse ideas. They’re afraid of ANYTHING that might be wrong think.
And so we have handicapped a generation of people not by educating them poorly (though that is a factor) but by making the acquiring of diverse knowledge & alternative viewpoints immoral.

A simple check of this is to see that leftists follow only each other on social media.
Leftists hate debating bc they regularly get thrashed by conservatives. Personally I think that’s partly due to cons idea being superior, but mostly it’s that Conservatives can articulate both sides of nearly every issue. Leftists cannot bc they’ve never researched it before.
I don’t know where I’m going w this, except to perhaps just say “expand your data pool!” Learn every side of every argument. Be brave enough to commit social suicide if necessary! Ask questions. Figure out the spectrum of an idea & THEN decide where you fit on it.
In what might feel like a contrary argument to the one I just made, here is an essay from about a year ago that I wrote on why censorship damages our cultures & why good, old-fashioned mocking & shame in response to *immoral* ideas/acts is a GOOD thing: https://www.minds.com/BetsieGray/blog/civilization-is-better-than-censorship-or-why-responsible-do-904206368347811840
As opposed to what Leftists do, which is categorize groups/ideas based on immutable characteristics/diversity rather than morals. Civilization SHOULD disregard immutable identity traits. Civ should judge choices/morality only, & use collective social power to prevent evil ideas.
You can follow @BetsieGray.
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