ok i'll do this. one like for one thing that i think will genuinely improve your life https://twitter.com/vgr/status/1205357296714280962
1. engage in some material work that requires tool use
2. lift, exercise, do something physical. a constant ambiance of growing stronger day by day does wonders for dome health
3. when you cook, start with as close to base ingredients as you can find
dude i posted this like ten minutes ago and now i have to find 25 more ideas for "wellness" or whatever people call it
4. you dont actually have to know anything or have an opinion on something. when someone asks you for your opinion, even if you have one, you can just be nice and lie. dont redpill your friends without their consent.
5. use coconut oil on your skin.
6. definitely attempt to smell good all of the time. this is one of those things that is for you, not them
7. getting good at most things has a surprising prosocial benefit. don't think of it as doing something to socialize, but that having multiple skilled options is a state conducive to good meaning making
8. Spend time in the sun. If it's a sunny day, spend at least thirty minutes getting raw dogged by vitamin d. Most people are deficient, don't be a statistic.
9. Try a food you don't like once every 7 years or so. People gain and lose new tastes as they gain and lose cells, eventually you're an entirely new person with a new palate
10. it really helps to always try to learn something new. it doesn't have to be anything as grand as a new operating language, i've decided recently i'd like to learn to carve wood simply so i can have an absurdly tiny wooden spoon.
11. Don't eat bread unless you bake it or unless it's offered to you.
12. Keep a sharp kitchen knife
13. It's good to have at least one useless hobby. It's good to think something is cool for no other incentive than it interests you for whatever reason.
14. Physically exorcise frustration and anger regularly. It's not the same method for everyone, but even if you don't consider yourself an "angry person" even small tension needs to be kept from accumulation
15. Consult youtube or Google or whatever liberally. Don't be one of those schmucks who thinks the singularity means you can instantly learn how to fly a helicopter if you can't learn how to boil an egg using Google.
16. Be mindful of brevity and be conscious that any information you could share might actually bore people to tears. Trust me on this.
17. Use your microwave as little as possible. If you have to reheat something, try doing it with an omelette or putting it in a taco. I consider every microwave use short of potatoes some kind of failure.
(The idea is that this singular limitation will incentivize better technique and require some creativity. I'm making a french omelette stuffed with leftover pad Thai this afternoon)
18. Don't buy eggs at the same place you buy a socket wrench
19. Have someone else trim your facial hair. If you're a guy, have a guy cut your hair.
20. Get your meat from a butcher and your produce from the farmers market. Basically, this https://twitter.com/spedru/status/1206616435272736768?s=19
21. Buy cookbooks. Buy project books. Yall read way too much theory and fiction bullshit. No one cares more about lacan than they do a tasty roasted chicken
22. Optimisation is a bit of a meme but it helps to always be on the lookout for some way to improve. Lots of times its as simple as keeping herbs to garnish a dish you always make anyway.
23. Use quality tools and spend time taking care of them. Clean by hand.
24. Write letters. Gift people your time instead of your money. Don't let good people in your life live without knowing this is what they are.
25. Find something you desire mastery over.
26. Have something to care for. A dog, a bonsai tree, a tomato. Something that depends on you but cant comprehend you.
27. Never reveal all that you know, think or are capable of whether publicly, privately or anonymously and always assume people know more than they're communicating.
28. Read the ingredient list when you buy food.
29. Fight with your bosses. Even if you have nothing to bargain with, attempt to bargain anyway. Fighting and negotiation are skills like any other, things you can become better at with practice.
30. Have secret ingredients. A little dash of nutmeg in a dish is enough to be noticable yet mysterious.
i haven't given up on this thread but i have to come up with 150 tweets, which is hard. please be patient
31. it is never a bad idea to switch to a better tool or utensil. do this liberally.
32. do seasonal things. make seasonal recipes. eat fruit that's in season. interact with the passage of time.
33. have a favorite artist. a painter, a poet, a band, or even, allah forgive me for saying this, a writer.
34. learn to make something people just can't go out and buy.
35. don't attach your name to everything you do. have experimental platforms or spaces free from your personal brand. scrutiny affects action, being free from that has value.
36. take a lavish shower or bath once in a while. soak or drench for an hour maybe once a month or week. shower outside if you can.
37. don't think about health as a bunch of compartmentalized things. physical health and mental health are deeply related to each other.
(mental health is actually fake but this is for the sake of express communication)
38. play games with others. doesn't have to be video games, can also be chess or even verbal knife fights. keep your wits as sharp as possible.
39. this might sound obvious but throw shit away. if you don't know why you have something, it's called trash and you should get rid of it.
40. when learning something look forward to your first critical failure. having your character revealed in the event of some catastrophe or emergency is both a liberating revelation and a useful metric of exactly how deep you are in the woods
41. speaking of the woods, go there. spend time in the mountains or on a beach. check out caves, have a favorite patch of riverbank.
42. dont buy food you don't have a plan for. you should feel horrible for throwing food away.
43. dont eat food you cant compost https://twitter.com/MorlockP/status/1213922401643352070
44. take personal comfort seriously. have pajamas, care for your bed, be attentive to lighting in your living space, etc. recovery is a necessary part of growth.
gonna have to ask yall to please stop liking the original post
45. keep your most desired goals secret and closely guarded. it's not bad that other people know but it's good to have the freedom to more cleanly and narrowly define what you want without other preferences interfering with it. no one needs to understand you.
46. have something that makes you feel powerful. it can be boxing or lifting weights but this is a feeling everyone should know. something real, not just bdsm you disgusting perverts.
47. dont recommend your friends media (books, anime, movies, music) if you aren't willing and able to experience it with them somehow.
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