Looking at the “If you draw your mlm ships like” tweets, aware I cannot detach them from what they’re actually signaling, suffering with what jokes I could make otherwise if I could just read the surface alone.
You see, first you take approximately two very broad types of people (hey, look, it’s why this is an inherently cisheterosexist form of discourse. Anyway), then you acquire at least two of each, then you ship all of them in all possible permutations, then you win
I’m a 165cm length of hateful wire of a man, it’s rarely far from my mind and I’m not enjoying this at all. Bilaterally so. Which matters.

(though it’s worth noting I’ve only had a pronounced /height/ difference when dating women, so, roll on snare drum etc.)
There’s an additional punchline in the fact that meanwhile, one app to the left, I’m unpacking what’s wrong with “Being deceived by someone means you’re easily manipulated (which is pathetic), which means you’re a sub”— because there is, actually, always something to go in on.
I don’t like thoughtlessness in character design work because I don’t like thoughtlessness. That’s it.
The problem is, people do; people want to arrive at a conclusion and stop thinking. It’s one of the bipartisan aspects underlying many of these arguments. It cuts me coming and going.
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