If Senator Kamala Harris was such a terrible candidate why was there such a massive effort to destroy her campaign and secondly why are so few people talking about it. What happened to Harris does not bode well for our democracy nor the fairness of the 2020 presidential election.
Before Harris declared she was running there was a concerted effort to stop her campaign. As early as the summer of 2017 some Sanders supporters saw her as a threat and started pushing out disinformation. Michael Sainato wrote a hit piece. https://observer.com/2017/08/kamala-harris-criminal-justice-reform/
The original "Kamala is a cop" social media smear was the Never Kamala hashtag started by Bernie Sanders supporters and pushed out in late 2017 into early 2018 . This was 4 months before the senator announced her historic run. https://twitter.com/yashar/status/892928959289192448?s=20
On January 27, 2019, six days after announcing her historic run for POTUS on GMA Senator Harris held a rally in her hometown of Oakland that attracted 25k supporters. Little did we know forces great and wide had already gathered against her.
Just four days before Harris announced Lara Bazelon wrote an op-ed in the New York Times attacking Kamala Harris's prosecutorial record. Much of what she wrote has been debunked but it was the first salvo in what was to become a massive smear campaign. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/17/opinion/kamala-harris-criminal-justice.html
2 weeks later Russian trolls targeted Black Twitter to spread the idea that Kamala Harris had lied about listening to rap music during an interview on the Breakfast Club. This time Trumpers joined in--looking at you Nutmeg McCain. Charlamagne debunked it.
If you don't believe me Dr. Avis Jones Deweever breakdowns how racism and misogyny completely shaped the narrative and coverage of Kamala Harris's campaign. https://twitter.com/SistahScholar/status/1200982200042299392?s=20
Kamala Harris is not about reproach. I think voters deserve a well vetted-candidate. Harris had a record in public service she should've had to answer for. I have no problem with valid criticism even about one of my favs. But what happened to Harris was not normal.
Harris nor her campaign were prepared for the sheer volume and relentless onslaught of disinformation, both foreign AND domestic. If we don't reckon with what happened to her Trump, Russia and the GOP are more than willing to subvert the will of the people to keep him in office.
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