seokjin doesn’t drink coffee but he always picks up an iced americano for his husband after his daily morning jog, and the cute wide eyed barista always greets him with a smile on mondays and wednesdays. they exchange jokes while the place is relatively empty and there’s no line.
now, seokjin and yoongi live each other, they really do, and because they have such a nice and healthy relationship, they’ve never been adamant about bringing someone else to their relationship. they’ve talked about it, deciding that the two of them was just enough.
and it was like that for a while, until the two started going to bars looking for cute guys to bring back to their apartment, good boys that liked to be fucked by the two of them, and that was good. the boys always left afterwards, after all it was all a one night stand.
but there were times where the married couple really wanted to have someone else in their bed in the morning.
cue to yoongi picking up his coffee for the first time because seokjin’s got a cold and he can’t go out of the apartment. (more like yoongi forced him not to go out.

“i won’t suck your dick if you dare to put a foot out of here.”

seokjin only whined).

yoongi gets there, orders his coffee and definitely doesn’t expect to leave the place a bit flushed because of a freaking college student with long pretty wavy hair and a few tattoos on his hands. when he makes it to the apartment, seokjin looks at him and smiles.
“you met him.” it’s all he says, snuggling his alpaca plushie and sniffling. yoongi doesn’t admit or deny anything. but seokjin knows. after all, yoongi had that same face when he and seokjin met for the first time.
it takes them some time before they admit that yes, they both have a crush on the cute barista, and that yes, they would pretty much would love to woo him. but how do they do that? because this isn’t just some guy they want to hook up with. they genuinely want to date him.
seokjin is used to do the flirting. he’s used to buying drinks for pretty boys and call them pretty names before and during the sex, pretty much do it enjoyable for the third party, but how does he get himself and his husband a boyfriend?
how does he go “hello jungkook! my husband and i pretty much have a big crush on you and we would love to take you out of dates and spend our money on you and make you feel really special” without sounding like a complete lunatic?
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