Source 2 is Halper. These pages are VERY interesting. Read them both.
Papadopoulos met with Source 3, who didn’t suspect was baiting him, and admitted that he answered Halper the way he did (hence the thought it was reversed) because he thought Halper would go back and report their convo to the CIA. Then he reiterated the same info to source 3
Papadopolous DID NOT think Source 3 was a CI, and was honest with him when he said the campaign had nothing to do with Russia, adding it could’ve been a pissed off Bernie guy.
They can deny all they want that they weren’t using CHS with positions in the campaign and administration, but they’ve got docs that say otherwise.
More evidence they are lying about using sources on the campaign.
This stuff is really horrible. They are lying to the IG about having active sources INSIDE the campaign and spying on the campaign. If anything needs retweeting it’s this tweet.
Lots of redactions here, likely in regards to another investigation. I don’t buy their excuse that they didn’t ask for this information. One personal call is all it would’ve took. In his report on management of CHS, Horowitz mentions that they use personal phones often.
I don’t care whether they pretend to know about it or not, the fact remains that the FBI had active sources employed on the Trump campaign, and they provided the FBI information. Plain and simple.
Strzok says he’s never met Pences CoS in the footnote - recall there being texts stating that he was a good asset to get inside the WH. These people are sick, lying, traitors.
As the IG details why the FBI followed policy to open the investigations into Page, Manafort, and Papadopolous- they COMPLETELY omit addressing General Flynn, and also state that merely traveling to Russia and open source information was enough. There’s a problem with this.
They kept the operation to a small group, and by doing so they hampered their access to resources that would have been crucial. They say they did this to keep it from leaking. They did it to be able to spy on an opposing political campaign. Priestap opened the investigation.
Remember, the FISA application and requests were timed with the stoppage of the 702queries. They were followed by this text, which Horowitz doesn’t mention. (Text courtesy of )
Just so far: the IG conclusions are bunk. This is why I’ve said DOZENS of times NOT to pay attention to the conclusions and to read the full report. The FBI acted completely out of bounds here, and Barr and Durham know it- in fact confirmed there was CRIMINAL wrongdoing.
They also disagree with Horowitz conclusions but state that the information uncovered is damning. Horowitz can not prosecute. Don’t focus on the conclusions. Focus on the info. This is HORRIBLE for these people.
If Horowitz were a swamp rat, NONE OF THIS would’ve been exposed. None of it. This report excoriates the swamp. I’m almost through it all.
Some of the conclusions, like this one, are pejorative. The FBI didn’t follow the Woods procedures.
They covered their tracks. All it would’ve taken were phone calls to do so. They were sloppy AF, but covered their tracks. Durham and Barr have access to much more - including personal emails.
The following tweets will contain the charts in Appendix 1 that detail instances where the FBI failed to follow Woods procedures.
I’m done. Closing thoughts: I’m really upset that the conclusions that Horowitz came to in re: to bias and the beginning of the investigation are not reflective of what we know happened. Part of the reason for this is his inability to gather information from outside sources.
I’m also disappointed that there weren’t more criminal referrals - HOWEVER- within the subset of things that he was tasked with reviewing, he didn’t find evidence anyone broke a law because there isn’t much guidance there. That doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, it just means
Horowitz couldn’t find someone ADMITTING in government records or in interviews with him that “x” action was taken for “x nefarious purpose” Barr and Durham announced that they disagree with the conclusions in some cases and the reason why is BECAUSE they have access to other
evidence. For example, emails that FBI may have deleted or purged with foreign governments that those governments still maintain, via warrant or subpoena, any PERSONAL chat messages or emails or calls people made about the decisions in the investigations- also,
any actions by OTHER agencies - like Net Assessment running Halper (source two). Halper was an FBI CHS, while also being paid as a source/contractor via net assessment. Horowitz wouldn’t have known this.
Other things I found interesting: the nearly non existent information in regards to General Flynn in the report, even though he was identified as the target of an investigation. The mention of Deripaska and his relationship to Ohr and Steele and how that meshes with the text
messages we have available. Now on to what this report means and what it did find. There is absolutely no doubt, that AT BEST the FBI at ALL levels, and the DOJ was completely inept in terms of running the investigation and obtaining the most powerful warrant available to the Gov
This report unveils willful malfeasance in obtaining a FISA warrant against Carter Page - 17 acts that broke the rules and allowed the FBI access into the Trump campaign via the two hop rule. The excuses made here are not acceptable. This report is damning for the FBI under
Comey and McCabe, and it is vindication that Nunes memo was 100% spot on, the Steele dossier was a complete and total farce, not based in reality. Schiffs memo lied blatantly to the American people.
Another conclusion I found very important - the source for Steele always denied providing ANY INFORMATION in regards to Wikileaks receiving the emails from the Russians or the Russians hacking the DNC. That claim is over and over in the dossier and attributed to the source
who denies they ever said it. It seems to me that the people behind the dossier wanted that in there to further their narrative that those things were true. They weren’t told to Steele by source as he claimed.
In closing (ish) yesterday we received confirmation that Durham and Barr know that the investigation into Trumps campaign was started illegally. It is UNHEARD of for them to make an announcement like this in the middle of an investigation. Why did they do it? They did it FOR YOU.
For all the legacy media spin, the nay sayers, the doom criers, and those gaslighting you (Comey et, al) that this proved the FBI did nothing wrong, not only does the report itself dispute that, but SO DO DURHAM AND BARR. They spoke out because they want YOU to know that THEY are
doing something about this. I can’t stress enough how unorthodox what they did yesterday was. Tomorrow we have the hearing where you can hear the questions asked and answered and see the tactics of both sides to show what was in the report.
I think the report exposes EXACTLY what I and others have been reporting for almost two years - the FBI lied to the FISA court to obtain another window to spy on the Trump campaign. Oh, one more thing - the IG can’t threaten the witnesses with indictments or harsher penalty
He can’t scare them into telling the truth. The “I don’t recall” and “no memory here” and everyone saying the same thing, particularly when it came to sources inside the campaign and at LEAST one instance that proved they were lying about them?
Horowitz has to report what HE FOUND. He doesn’t speculate as to ANYTHING. This is the precise reason why Sessions and then Barr appointed the US Attorney to work with the IG. They can do all of those things - and their statements from yesterday prove - they don’t buy it.
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