Thread #twitterstorians #histmed
Since some of you asked how I set up the #unessay assignment in my courses, here is how I do this (with examples of how it can inspire students considerably)
2. In the first day of the class, I introduce it, as a choice alongside the traditional essay. Students are encouraged to play to their strengths and to find formats that work for them. The rubric, I borrowed (with much thanks) from @clark_ems.
3. Here is the description:
'What is the unessay? It can be a blogpost, digital story, photo essay or graphic novel, sculpture, song or artwork.'
At this point, there can be some student panic as they REALLY struggle with the freedoms of the format.
'You have absolute creativity and absolute leeway in what you do here. Examples of #unessays in prior classes include a children's book in the style of Dr Seuss on the Trial of Galileo, a podcast on the Challenger mission, a digital story on obesity & its history in the US.'

This is a good time to show them some examples:

Here is another one:
'In an unessay you have complete freedom of form: you can use whatever style of writing, presentation, even media you want. Here is your opportunity to break free from the boundaries of the traditional essay. Be creative. Find alternative ways to examine and answer the topic.
'But Remember:
You have to turn in a Works Cited page, as well as a write-up if relevant.
All digital stories will be accessible & will be submitted with a transcript.
You will need to conduct substantive secondary & primary source research to be able to finish an unessay.'
9.Setting students up for success:
Encourage them to see the essay/unessay as equivalent amounts of work.
Encourage them to use primary sources in their work towards building the unessay. Nothing can substitute for the value of a primary source or 3 or 7.
10. Setting students up for success: give plenty of chances to play with multiple formats for their assignments throughout the course. In my courses, groups build 3D models, create infographics, build digital stories all as part of their group work.
I hope this helps, somewhat. When the semester settles down I will write a post about the unessay and its meanings and problems as student assessment.
@Sharronapearl @drkyliesmith @ProfessorBall @erhochman @profcronin @AJP_PhD @_daniellefeeney

End thread!
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