I know Gen X is the forgotten generation but please pick up a history book & look at what was happening to kids in the 80's & 90's. Gen X is a micro generation made smaller by the shootings before Columbine. The car accidents that gave you seat belt & speed laws.
So many "But why doesn't Gen X care" responses from people who think the 80's & 90's didn't happen to anyone. That super predator narrative? Go back & look at who that was applied to & ask yourself what happens when your generation dies & is jailed & no one bothers to remember
HIV/AIDS, the War on Drugs aka the war on teens especially of color, the wars that weren't declared but still fought, we were the canaries in the coal mine. And we still fought, but hi hello, we were the first ones saddled with major educational debt & we have Boomer parents
So we're sandwiched caregivers with minimal resources & repetitive trauma. And we're the survivors, but beloved we have started dying again. Cancer, heart disease (that second hand smoke in childhood bill is coming due) We are the ones who won't get to retire & we are tired.
We're frankly astonished we made it this far & we keep fighting but no, we don't care about your feelings. We can't. We have to keep the space to bury our friends who don't make it.
Also if you're reading this thread & think the perfect reply is to insist we do more? I am blocking the fuck out of you. Gen X is not the mule you ride to a better future kids.
And I know a substantial part of the problem is the sanitized version of the 80's & 90's being presented so nostalgically by wealthy white creators. That wasn't reality. Go watch a Brat pack movie made in the 80's. Not Breakfast Club. Try St. Elmo's Fire. Then watch Roc.
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