Honestly, he doesn't believe it is "wrong" B/C they all do it, both sides of the aisle.

The real crime @realDonaldTrump committed, aside from being elected @POTUS when D.C. didn't invite him to the party, was ask someone to investigate perfectly typical public corruption. https://twitter.com/ArthurSchwartz/status/1203053524541677569
Hard to explain, but the political class feels they're somewhat entitled to profit and prosper off of their public office.

Joe Biden would tell you privately that he's "served" the nation for decades and he'll sound like he deserves to enrich family w/ a piece of foreign aide.
That's the real scandal. Not simply that what Joe Biden did was wrong. Of course it was wrong to use his office to enrich his coke head son. The real scandal is that he, and all of them frankly, don't "believe" or "understand" that it's wrong.
And btw, most media miss a major part to the Burisma story. Joe Biden pushed Ukraine to use foreign aide to ramp up oil production and energy R&D.

It's not just that he got the law off of Burisma's back. He directed taxpayer money in Burisma's and his son's pockets.
Redo: Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s partner met with Joe Biden at the White House on April 15, 2014.

On April 22, 2014, Biden meets with Ukraine Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk to push for ramping up production. They discuss "an American team" and "investors" who can help.
On April 24, 2014, just two days later, Biden meets with then-candidate Petro Poroshenko. Four days later Britain’s Serious Fraud Office froze $23 million in assets Burisma Holdings and its founder, Mykola Zlochevsky, had in London.

Well, that's a major problem. No worries...
The very next month, Hunter Biden became a board member for Burisma Holdings.

Problem solved. Joe to the rescue!

That very same day (May 13), Chris Heinz, partner to Archer and Hunter and stepson to John Kerry, sends an emailing bailing because it smells like shit.
Two days later on May 15, Hunter Biden starts cashing in bigly. Ten days later, Poroshenko wins the election. Next month (July), Biden's law firm receives a $250K transfer.

Not bad for a coke head thrown out of the U.S. Navy.

In August, Viktor Shokin opens and probe and well...
The rest is history.
H/T @jsolomonReports on the timeline. Think what you will of the messenger, but it's all documented.

Had we all held @nytimes and @washingtonpost to the same standards, then we wouldn't have been consumed with a ludicrous hoax for three years.
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