I know liberals better than they know themselves. You see I’ve been studying them over 40yrs and watched them evolve into Full blown Leftist. So if you ever have a ? Ask. 👍👍🇺🇸
Why are they Leftist easy answer. If they knew the definition of Fascism and communism they’d be running from themselves. 👍👍🇺🇸
They start out slowly to see what they can get away with, and spread propaganda and lies over and over and there useful idiots believe. Now they evoked even more the OF MSM. In fact the MSM are also LEFTIST. There’s no other word to describe them. 👍👍🇺🇸
Now what they’ve done since they’ve taken off their mask. Is to attack the Constitution civil liberties religion we saw this back when IRS was spying on Religious groups. You see the depth of the spying in correlation with what happened in Spygate.
This all started over 40yrs ago. They have patience or they had. Now they are under panic. This wasn’t suppose to go this way. Hillary was suppose to win. @realDonaldTrump uncovered the dirt started draining their Swamp slowly.
They’re plan was to keep bleeding America longer. To make it weaker for all those poor useful idiots to self rely on Government. Want proof? Look at the cities they run. Look how they’ve lied minorities and have done nothing but suppress. 👍👍🇺🇸
Then they speak of the elite when they themselves have created an elite and corrupt status they lie about donors they lie about associations with corrupt people. In some cases they’ve even murdered. (Seth Rich). They cheated in elections @BernieSanders
They had the Media cheating for them @donnabrazile and got caught. Yet nothing. Well that’s about to change in 2 days. Hopefully we can put and end to this 40yr party of terror the Democrats have created. Hold steady heads high ❤️s in the right place. We got this. End! 👍👍🇺🇸
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