jungkook having different types of intelligence, a thread:
it's commonly known that intelligent people are just smart and good at school. however, this isn't true since in psychology we can differenciate at least 9 types of intelligence, and it happens that jungkook has most of them
1 body smart.

we all know how good jungkook is at sports. nothing is ever enough for him. he trains so hard, works out , even did taekwondo when he was younger and even went viral at ISAC for how fast he is able to run.
2. people smart

as we all know too, jungkook's words and speeches are always brilliant. when he does vlives and talks to us, we can clearly see how intelligent he is. he loves to talk about deep topics such as destiny, fate or how much he wants to improve
3. word smart.

kinda similar to the last one. he always thinks before talking. he's such a polite man who chooses his words carefully so he can be perfectly understood. he doesn't always talk, but when he does, his words are so powerful.
4. logic smart.

just dropping this, lets see if half of you can get these scores
5. nature smart

we dont need to explain how much jungkook loves and cares about nature and animals, literally the sweetest boy
6. self smart

(not my tweet)
lets take a moment 2 remember when namgi was reassuring him that he IS smart and that being good with school isnt the only thing that counts

he sometimes forgets how smart he is,he worries and cares about his life decisions
... +

let's remember half drunk jungkook talking about how he has experienced deja vu before and how conscious and aware he is about all this kind of topics. he loves to talk about his feelings and life experiences shamelessly
7. picture smart

jungkook is a pro at editing. golden closet film proves it, so we can get to see the world through his eyes. he gives us his view of life for free and proves how much he loves his hyungs. so damn talented
he also LOVES to carry his camera around and take pictures of any little detail. he loves life, and wants to share it to us. https://twitter.com/BTS_twt/status/1136683522351960064?s=19
8. music smart

last but not least and why we all stan and love him: his passion for music. finding people who love music more than him is rare. he was born for it, and lets not forget its the main reason we all stan him: his voice, his moves. so delicate at everything he does
he moves gracefully. he's not stiff, not forced. THIS is the result of years of love and dedication for your job
in case you have forgotten about it, im bringing back jungkook cover of all of my life because its so raw and sentimental that it makes me cry everytime
he was 15 years old. 15. and he was able to copy the exacr same moves of a professional choreographer. let that sink in
im adding myself: how good he is at painting/drawing in general.

its mindblowing how someone can draw so perfectly?? his sense of proportions and space is actually amazing
these are an example of the paintings he did for the bts exhibition. the freaking talentery you gotta have for doing this with no effort.
with all of this i just try to prove what we already know. how loving, talented and caring he is when it comes to art.

and it makes me so mad too see some of you reducing him to his body or to "how dumb" he is when i have never meet anyone this talented in my life.
he's now learning english despite his busy schedule but of course you bitches gotta make fun of him because he isn't fluent enough yet and treating him as if he was dumb. you just love jungkook when its beneficial, when its about his looks.
but when it comes to real support, to watch more than the final result and see how hard he works to be a better person or artist, you mock him and disappear.
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