Lucy Van Pelt (she of "Peanuts" fame) is, upon further review, super-complex.
Remember despite all of her aggression, Lucy's favorite thing to do is watch a kid play the piano.
Surrounded by the males in her life yet also choosing their company, Lucy's ongoing antics with the football are a symbol of her ability to control the course of action in all other ways. She is a dominant force who seems would rather earn respect than attraction.
Lucy learns young that some gentlemen will continue trying to kick the ball, no matter how poor their success rate. She doesn't prey on it. She is no bully. Mostly she hopes that *for once* he doesn't try to kick the damn thing. She's basically just checking for brain activity.
Bottom line: the name of the show should not have been "Peanuts" or "Charlie Brown." And certainly not "Snoopy." Nope. The name of the show should have been "Lucy."
“Sorry They Are Such Idiots Lucy Van Pelt”
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