"Why won't they fight? What are they waiting for?

"They're soft. What are they afraid of - maybe they'll meet a German?"

- J. Stalin, asking why the Allies wouldn't invade Europe... in 1941
And now do any of you understand?

If the Senate allowed itself to just act like a Republican version of the House (as so many of us were stamping our feet and demanding that it do), today would not have been possible.

Yes: gravitas matters. Being the grownup counts.
Contrast the tone, courtesy and graciousness toward members of other party displayed from "go" by @LindseyGrahamSC with the Bolshevik-style kangaroo court presided over by the pop-eyed @RepAdamSchiff and the wretched Napoleon-complex performance of @RepJerryNadler
We are all contemptuous of the simpletons who get their news and information from the DNC Media Complex - just as they are contemptuous of ill-educated mouth-breathing Nazis such as you and me.

But the distinctions between how each chamber did its business are lost on no one.
And what is funniest of all is that conservatives - real ones - who are still complaining and stamping their feet are just demonstrating that they've been down so long, they don't remember what up is.

THIS IS UP, FRIENDS. And there will be more.
Update: Investigations also end when they end. Not when you want them to. There's a cost to that, but there's a bigger cost to blowing them or undercutting their full effect for political purposes or because Twitter randos like us are frustrated
You can follow @RonColeman.
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