FOA from 1999

Currencies tumble in value because of manipulation, yet no one is filing lawsuits because of it. So when the gold currency falls against the $, every one that brought a gold stock on the perceived notion that it was a substitute for gold wants their money back?

Interesting point FOA. At least we know that its manipulated now.
What really allowed this "master plan" of gold manipulation to work was investors putting their money into the gold industry, not physical gold. Far to many entities purchased paper gold in one form or another (most mutual funds included). This action became an accelerating.
The world often values things wrongly, because people as a group invest using their present life experiences as a guide. They learn using a continuation of "present trends" established during their short existence, instead of allowing the real results of history to teach them.
The present lawsuit by mine stock owners is a good example. It's not about gold, but about getting their money back because they invested using the wrong "interpretation" about gold. They did not think it would be managed as a currency, because they thought it was a commodity!
These shrewd trust managers can only accept that the value of gold will only increase to it's commodity value plus a premium for inflation. Hence they buy into the commodity story of gold and hold shares.
@Gold_AntiTrust should be attacking the mining industry. Not the Bullion Banks. The quickest way to wealth recovery would be for every mine to declare bankruptcy from "impaired assets" due to low gold prices. >>
>It would jam the shorts into covering and impair the Bullion Banks before they could attach assets in court
"As long as some gold can be delivered and it's price is down trending, over time, a mindset is developed among investors that this paper gold market is "the physical gold market"

Me: The shrimp physical demand has to count for something. But yeah. It doesn't count for enough.
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