So a few yoga tips for beginners.

Yoga is a mind and body practice with a 5,000-year history in ancient Indian philosophy. Various styles of yoga combine physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation.
Its taught in classes across Lagos and Abuja, but less so in other cities in Nigeria.

If you are thinking about taking up exercise, this is something to consider
Other options are salsa, zumba, cycling, spinning, aerobics and of course, yoga.

If you want something cheaper, running/power walking are good options.

If you want to loose weight, yoga is also not the best option
How to start?
You can start by taking a class or at home on youtube. A lot of people have a great home practice which is far cheaper than paid classes.
I also get a lot of questions about injuries.

Many of the people that you see doing 'unbelivable' postures on instagram are naturally flexible. Some are even former gymnasts.
The type of collagen they have is 'stretchier' may take years or even decades of practice for an inflexible person to get to that stage. If you push too hard, you place yourself at risk of injury
A lot of naturally flexible people think that they can teach yoga because they can do the postures, but without a firm knowledge of anatomy, they MAY not understand how to keep students safe
Types of yoga
Hatha Yoga
Hot Yoga
Yin Yoga
Vinyasa Yoga
Yoga Nidra
Baptise Yoga
Power yoga
Aerial yoga
There are so many types you can read and see which one suits you.

I do Hatha and Vinyasa mostly
How often should you practice?

I practice daily, some weekly, some monthly. Really depends on your schedule and what other exercises you are doing
What should you wear?
Whatever you like! Most studios won't let you turn up naked! But comfort is important, wear what you can move easily in.

If you are in a cold country doing yin, you may need a bit more clothing as it is slower paced
In Naija, most people wear leggings (yoga pants) and a top. In my opinion, you don't have to go and spend a whole load on $200 lululemon leggings.

Just an ordinary comfortable pair of leggings or shorts will do.
Home practice
Best to set aside some space, maybe with some candles and find the best teacher for you online. You may need to get a paid subscription if you can't find anyone free on youtube that suits you.
If you are based outside Nigeria, one of my fave styles is Bikram. There is a great Bikram studio in Nairobi.

With Bikram its the same sequence of breathing and postures everytim, which is easier for beginners
Even when I am in Germany or France and the Bikram class isn't in English, I can still do the class because I know the postures

This is great if you travel a lot
Another word on injuries. Medical safety is important and comes first.

How yoga can wreck your body is a good article to read to remind yourself to stay safe, not to push too hard and to ensure you are keeping correct alignment
An interesting quote from this article is

'Black has come to believe that “the vast majority of people” should give up yoga altogether. It’s simply too likely to cause harm'
'Not just students but celebrated teachers too, Black said, injure themselves in droves because most have underlying physical weaknesses or problems that make serious injury all but inevitable'
Dress up, slay, make up, big cars and dollars are things that you can floss with on the gram.

But if you push yourself too hard to floss on the gram, you will injure yourself, maybe permanently. Stay safe.
Zumba teaches you how to dance as well as keep fit
Even powerwalking around your estate/community every morning/Evening has health benefits
Power walking is an exercise technique that emphasizes speed and arm motion as a means of increasing health benefits.

Done correctly, regular power walking is good for your cardiovascular health, joint health, and emotional well-being.
Swimming is an excellent way to work your entire body and cardiovascular system. An hour of swimming burns almost as many calories as running, without all the impact on your bones and joints.
What about taking up a sport?
People who choose to play tennis appear to have significant health benefits, including improved aerobic fitness, a lower body fat percentage, a more favourable lipid profile, reduced risk for developing cardiovascular disease
& improved bone health.
Noticed quite a few cycling clubs have opened up in Lagos
Skipping is one of the CHEAPEST exercises that you can do.Its also a very effective form of exercise
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