Okay... on the "swing" passes. Watch the video below. The spread offense is all about equating numbers. 2 blockers for 2 defenders, etc... so the ball carrier is free. Look at those plays. Every one, except maybe the double pass, we had numbers. Those plays *should* work. https://twitter.com/BigRed_Fury/status/1201201554180599808
But, it's more than that... they HAVE to work. Because, if we had the numbers advantage outside, that means THEY had it inside. So, if you try to just run it anyway, they have us outnumbered and, statistically, they'll win more often than not.
My guess is that Iowa saw we weren't great with our perimeter blocking and lined up in a way to dare us to throw it outside. That's why there were so many of them. Bottom line, we should *win* these plays. Guys have to block better.
Once you start getting 5-6 yards consistently with these, they have to adjust to give them the numbers advantage outside... and that's when you gash them with runs.
Also, on a technical note, these aren't all "swing" passes. There's bubbles, flares and slips I see in here. That's 3 of the 5 main RPO concepts. Meaning, SF was trying every which way to take advantage of this. We just didn't execute consistently.
Finally, if you dig this stuff and want to know more about how our offense works, watch this video: . Explains RPO fundamentals. I recommend upping the speed to 1.25x tho. :) #Huskers #GBR
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