Next time when you praise your small daughters dancing on seducing item numbers in public gatherings with same seducing exoresions, plz consciously introspect about it. Our film industry crossing all limits to create an environment to elivate testosterone and we are endorsing it.
Media plays very effective role in creating serious impact on children, adolescents & adults. One side we applaud our young girls waving their body on "Beedi Jalai Le Jigar Se Piya Jigar Mein Badi Aag Hai" on the other side we expect it won't affect psyche who watch this dance.
No behaviour happens in isolation. Our senses keep receiving from environment and keep reacting based on various factors including our personality type, temperament, genetic endoment that covers the endocrine system as well. Behaviour is always learned and can be unlearned too.
It's easy to hate criminals for the various crimes they commit including rapes and murders but difficult part is to identify the precipitating and triggering factors. We often consciously ignore our conscious endorsement to all the seducing stuff media is serving before us.
Item numbers have such impact on our psyche that we are almost addicted to them. In the name of art we are all involved in creating seducing envrionment around us. I know many women here on Twitter who actively make seductive TikTok. Yes they can but it has impact. It's alarming.
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