The thing that fascinates me the most about the hashtag resisters, esp wrt the Scorsese/Marvel debate, is how they act like their myopic, regressive takes are actually the most progressive. They’re playacying at intersectionality with no real grasp of it.
You see it across the board - they puff up and try to hide their opinions behind faux-progressive buzzwords so they can dismiss any criticism as inherently conservative, but they often miss the big picture (in this case, positioning Disney as some sort of progressive hero).
All art is political. But to the hashtag resonance, it’s just a reactionary tool used to save them from thinking critically or grappling with the deeper issues at play. They treat politics as surface level faux-woke checkboxes to puff up their own egos.
Liberals love to swoop in & performatively defend the things that toxic fanboys attack. But just because righties hate something doesn’t make it good. When you position yourself as the champion of a capitalist monopoly you’re not really taking the left position you think you are.
The exitistance of BLACK PANTHER and CAPTAIN MARVEL do not shield Disney from criticism from the left, but the fact that they’re treated that way by many liberals is representative of their shallow political world views.
Just because the alt-right attacks something for bigoted reasons does not automatically make that thing good or absolve it from criticism.
And I say that as someone who loved BLACK PANTHER. But if you think one movie starring a black superhero with an Afro-futurist perspective suddenly makes Disney a progressive paragon I have a bridge I’d love to sell you...
I feel like there's this whole section of liberalism that thinks they're very progressive but they're really just easily placated by bread and circuses. Dangle even the most token representation in front of them (gay LeFou, anyone?) and they worship the corporate machine.
Sure, individual Disney movies have progressive ideas. FROZEN II is a great example. But I don't know how many times I have to say that these ideas do not negate the fact that Disney is an economic monopoly that treats its workers poorly.
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