Once we understand what is “time” — the discrete flows of phenomenal and transcendental states of our subjectivity and intersubjectivity extracted from the transcendent superposition of consciousness-in-itself — we will see that there is no need for the beginning of it, for each
“moment” is an isolated “quantum” state of consciousness that does not require a beginning and an end. Moreover, each “moment” does not necessarily “expire forever” and potentially can be experienced again if the cause-effect chain of “moments” is repeated. Thus, the end of our
world in a potential Big Crunch may appear to be the beginning of it in the Big Bang (if we accept this cosmological model). We shouldn’t deny this possibility. One way or another, what is really important to know is that the ultimate beginning of our existence is a myth,
we, transcendental subjects, aka free-will and Existenz, are probably the eternal aspect of nontemporal or, more likely, supratemporal divine Transcendence — the eternal divine Play of free individual existence.

Tat tvam asi.
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