The problem is religion.
The problem is guns.
The problem is politics.
The problem is power.

I’m starting to think that the problem is humans and that the Bible may have been on to something. (1/9)
It amazes me that people think that getting rid of religion will fix the world’s issues. (Seriously? China is our ideal?) Humanity is broken. If love is the answer then the question is, how can humanity’s propensity to hate be overcome? (2/9)
Perhaps humanity will evolve to love others more than self, but history doesn’t seem to lend itself to that conclusion. Maybe we need something outside of ourselves to rescue us. (3/9)
What if religion in the hands of broken humans IS a weapon? Is that different than any other thing humans put their hands to? If you are to accuse religion of having committed history’s most heinous crimes, you must also recognize its responsibility for the greatest goods. (4/9)
Common denominator? Humans. I think if we are honest, we all know that humanity’s issues can’t be solely traced to religion. I think we just don’t like facing the fact that the problem isn’t outside of us, it’s inside of us. We need help. (5/9)
What the Bible teaches is that we don’t love others because we are in love with ourselves. And that God, in love, chose to send his Son to free us from self-love so that we can love God and out of that love, love others. (6/9)
So Jesus comes & takes on flesh & he lives a life of perfect love & dies a death that our self-love & hate towards God & others deserves, so that for all who trust in him, their old hateful natures might die w/ him & that they might be resurrected 2 new lives of love in him.(7/9)
And what does that new life look like? Well according to the Bible, TRUE religion is controlling your tongue, caring for orphans and widows (i.e the marginalized), and imitating Jesus (James 1:26-27). (8/9)
So if anyone claims to be a Christian and doesn’t love, don’t believe them (1 John 2:9; 4:20.) They’re not (truly) religious, that is, according to the Bible. 🤷🏾‍♂️ (9/9)
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