Started reading “Goliath” by @matthewstoller on the plane this morning and his diagnosis is SPOT ON. Couldn’t finish the preface of the book in an hour. I got stuck on this quote....
“In the 1970, we decided as a society that it would be a good idea to allow private financiers and monopolists to organize our world. As a result, what is around us is a matrix of monopolies, controlling our lives, and manipulating our communities and politics.
This not just happenstance. It was created. The constructs shaping out world formed as ideas, put into law, and now they are our economic and social reality. Our reality is formed not just of monopolized supply chains and brands, but an entire language that precludes us
from even noticing, from discussing the concentrated power all around us.”
If this isn’t an argument for Big Structural Change and Elizabeth Warren, I don’t know what is.
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