The saddest thing about this election, is seeing that so many people are so beaten down by a decade of wilful economic destruction, that they actually laugh at the notion anything could change for the better and simply refuse to believe that their lives could be a bit better.
It's an attitude very familiar to me because I was surrounded by it in the community that I grew up in, where there were multiple generations of people beaten down by managed industrial decline. To see how much farther it has spread in just ten years is heartbreaking.
The idea that politicians are 'all liars', 'all the same' etc etc absolutely helps the Tories. The longer this campaign goes on, the less people believe their lines on Brexit etc. They are left depending on a sense of apathy and confusion.
As the campaign goes on, pro Tory broadcasters seem to encourage this, which is abhorrent. The Labour party is not perfect, but if we dont want a proto fascist state, it's what we have. It offers a modicum of democracy, a far better life for most, & has many good people in it.
There is nothing outrageous about Labour's economic plans. The IFS has its view, but plenty of economists have a different one. And it has always been the Labour party that has radically transformed this country for the better.
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