So a week in trades and rational and having to change plan in seconds and adapt. Not used a chart for over 3 years now but see patterns and resistances supports etc. Its not an articulate Noel or what I call renaissance boys that almost talk of it as an art.
This is slugging it out and playing the volume the ramp the catalyst the angle the bull shit. Moving cash around quickly for beginners is suicide but when you get a good feel for aim I call it the no dead wood policy. You will hear of everyones wins but only a small amount report
Sells. The traders out there know you take plenty but small and are far overlapped by greater wins. Also this will highlight thinking process. Trade one TOM rumour mill went wild weekend on a PQE tie up. Clever ploy makes sense acreage you just know if 1.2 billion barrels comes
Into play 6/10p you also know its a POS. You know lots are talking so watching the live clock you estimate max buy you have everything set to buy not 10,5,3 seconds after open but a nano moment after 8. You buy another lot and take out the book. Everyone gets excited 2 days 2.8g
You buy MOS .16 runs out of steam at .18 out .176 re rinse .165/.172 re rinse .15 running. Small amount 200 150 300 adds up. NUOG pos again Doc a market mover imo tweet I see the hook straight off again take everything you can at a max set price in head. Hour later 57% 41%
Made with spreads. ORCP shake and bake twice anyway yada yada wins wins but other side. NFX 40 grand in at 8.85 your ubber confident of 10p plus then another interview what was imminent is mooted as weeks straight away I know markets mindset. So its four sells at 8.82 bout 250
Loss saved being 5g down now and on dead cash. AMC buy realize 99% have gone and ramp mode is off it may have news pre event but feels so quiet all the fast money is orcp etc sell 600 loss SNT own 1.4% free shares but trade it also. Buy 5 mill im looking for ask to tighten right
Maybe have a mill or two left on ask ile buy them and start momentum. But no after my buy 10 mill on ask sit wait not many buyers sell 339 loss. I guess and it only applies to traders in a long winded way is don't be scared of taking hits keep um small and keep the wins big.
You have to be anal retentive almost watching all pr and you have to swallow your pride and do a 180 in seconds on new info and thought process many many times. If I win next week its half a year of every week profit on trades completed. Jinxed it now.
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