Right wing arse heads screaming "Islam bad!" this morning are a right dopey bunch of cunts. People likes this Usman Khan, the Manchester bomber and others are routinely employed by the British state to go and attack the people of Syria, Iran, China and Iraq. Wake the fuck up.
Think i'm wrong? Look at the loyalist death squads who the British state employed in the occupied 6 counties. Despite the fact that the loyalists and the state forces clashed from time to time this was more akin to a gang war than a political dispute.
Meaning that for all the screaming in the press about "ISLAM IS COMING FOR YOU", the British government has worked with the most reactionary, hard right wahabist forces for almost a century. Their principle targets? Socialists, Arab nationalists, trade unionists and secularists.
So we're supposed to believe that Muslims are our enemy when the British government employs people who mostly kill other Muslims? Get the fuck out of here. Anyone who makes that argument needs to pull their heads out of their arse and realise they've been sold a dummy.
If you believe that the "war on terror" was anything other than a propaganda exercise to justify endless wars then ask yourself this. Shouldn't it be front page news that the Manchester bomber got a lift back from Libya on a British naval vessel?
Remember Abu Hamza? The hook handed preacher of Finsbury Park? He lost his hand fighting for the wahabists in Afghanistan back in the 1980's. He lived here saying all the same mad shit any wahabist says for decades. Why? Because he was working for the British governments allies
What I want to get across here is that it is vital that all Communists and Socialists change the narrative here. The "clash of civlisations" bull shit peddled by the capitalist press needs exposing. The reality is that reactionary Islamic groups are always on the empires side
Go all the way back to the aftermath of the Iraq invasion. Faced with a high degree of armed resistance what did the US do? They brought in Al Qaeda, funded, staffed and armed via Saudi Arabia to create a sectarian war in Iraq and fracture the country on sectarian lines.
Again, this is no theory but is evidenced via the direct testimony of people like Condeleeza Rice who openly stated that they needed to create a divide between Sunni and Shia muslims to stop unified resistance to US occupation.
Remember the scarlet pimpernel of Mesopotamia, Abu Musab Al Zarqawi? The head of Al Qaeda in Iraq who was killed more times than Kenny in South Park. He was principally targetting Iraqi shias in the hope of starting a sectarian war. He wasn't an opponent of the US but an ally.
Remember that the US and British governments would rather see a Middle East drowned in blood than see a Socialist or Arab nationalist force emerge that could challenge their rule. Wahabists are their natural allies in this.
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