. @DonaldJTrumpJr
I don't have a vidor pic, but I do have a story to share.

Thanksgiving was going to be easy for our family when it came to talking about politics. How could anything go wrong when everyone is a republican and of course Trump the number one fan among us all
My 91 yr old mother started off with our Thanksgiving prayer. During the prayer she prayed for our President @realDonaldTrump and his family.
Amens were said and plates were being filled around the beautifully set table.

My brother says, mom that was a beautiful prayer....

He added, ”Trump is the greatest president ever. I sure love that man”
Most everyone joined in talking about his surprise trip to Afghanistan to surprise our troops for Thanksgiving. We were so grateful, since we came from a military family ourself, and love..

..our service men and women.

Then it happened.....my niece said ”I have an announcement, I'm a democrat”!
The room that was once filled with chatter was now so quiet you could a pin drop. Everyone was just glaring at my niece.

I knew the silence had to break.
My my niece's mother, sleep, eats and breathes everything Trump.
SIL - What do you mean your a socialist?
Niece - Socialist? I'm coming out of the closet as a democrat!
SIL - Socialist.

Niece - Y’all have been discussing politics since I arrived. I had to let you know my input.
SIL - Your input! I'll make this very clear. We are a Trump family and I will have no socialist in our family!

Let me give you some background now. Our family farm in NC...

...was just divided in 5 ways. My mother decided to split the farm among her 5 children ( in the process now).

SIL- Do you know what would happen to the farm if a socialist we're to ever become elected?
Niece - What?
SIL - Redistributiont! They would take you part....

...and share so everyone could have equally! Not going to happen Lacy! We've worked to hard, and too long to give our farm away. It's been in this family for years!
I'm not having a socialist in this family. Period.

Everyone tried to stay out of this mother-daughter conversation.

Again, I said TRIED.

My mother - Do you know how much President Trump has done for this country? In my lifetime (91) I've never seen a president do so much or love this country as much as the Trump.

My mother added, what do you expect from a president? Freebies? Lacy, you have worked all your adult life. Do you want your salary cut in half?

Her Dad - I served this country proudly. The last 2 ppl you voted for destroyed our military. Obama left us very vulnerable.

My niece then told everyone, ”hey, I'm the reason Trump was elected”!
”I and many of my teachers I work with, when we went behind the curtain to vote, we pulled the trigger for Trump”. We are the closet democrats who voted for Trump”.

Needless to say this Thanksgiving had a good outcome. My niece is a school teacher in Wake County, NC. She has her Masters's degree from ECU. My sister in law, is a biochemist, she received her Master's degree from ECU as well.
No way, no how was my SIL going down w/out a fight
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