So I saw a post that was comparing J. Cole and Kendrick Lamar asking who was the better Story teller so I'll be giving my opinions on them
A thread
Of course Cole and Kendrick are elite rappers in their own rights but as to who is the better Story teller it has been arguable for quite a while
Cole gave us great projects like to born sinner, Cole the sideline story, For your eyes only, 2014 forest Hill drive to mention a few
Kendrick has given us Damn, To pimp a butterfly, Section 80, Good kid MAAD city to mention a few of his works, Note I haven't counted the Eps and mixtapes
So now we get to the Crux of the matter
Who is the better Story teller?
Rap of course means Rhythm accented poetry and is a game best played by the best of writers. Both Cole and Kendrick are at the top of their game.
First off Cole
J. Cole has this simplistic and appealing way of telling stories that paint vivid pictures and uses references
For example we'll start with Wet dreams, In this song J. Cole tells a story and paints a picture so vivid it feels like we are there in the then and feel the entire story unfolding around us with the artfully given lines and the innuendos dropped throughout the entire song
Or Adolescence where he tells us the travails of his teenage stage and the various things he had to go through
I'm summary 2014 forest hills drive feels like an album written with the intent of nostalgia to describe the occurrences on forest hills drive
Then Another classic example, one I'm sure pretty much everyone has listened to
The KoD album
KOD Kids on drugs, Kill our demons, This album fought against everything called Popping pills and looked at the general ills of society from an outer world sort of view
Every song had its own theme, kind of like a discography in a discography
Different themes but overall contributing expertly to the story line.
He also inserts the subtle hints of his life after his dad left his family
He also combats the I'll of how the entire society has In
A way been made to white
In a line he said the people with the pen have always found a way to white out they sins
Letting us also into how the people at the top have always made the truth fit their stories, made the whites the greatest hero's most times
Given in an elite way
In essence we can say, Cole's delivery of story even in his recent Middle Child which was a diss track always appeals to the hearing ear
A classic pen warrior and one who isn't appreciated enough for his craft
Every album conveys a different meaning but always ends up
Combating the ills he recognises and speaks against
Let's not forget 1985 the best diss track Cole wrote in my opinion
He talks about how the rap game the blacks play is only about how to spend money, pop pills and live in the moment
He asks them what they would leave behind in
The end
Saying they should not always hop on the current wave, respects their content but still tells them that this won't take them far
It feels like a hard pill of truth that's hard to swallow and we enjoyed it in every way
A top tier story telling journey
Now Kendrick Lamar
K. Dot as he is fondly referred to as tells his stories in such a way that always has double meanings, that is always has different sides to the same song
Every album feels like his life discography, every song fights the societal I'll he so vehemently stands
Racism, It's no secret that Kendrick has always found away to combat this theme through each song
But before that let's see how each album adds up
Section 80 of course tells the story of two individuals
Tammy and Keisha and the personal hardships in their lives
But most people might not have listened that far back, or heard any song on the album
It's one of the best stories written that dwells on people of another time frame entiteo
The delivery was pretty good imo
But let's look at two new projects shall we
To pimp a butter fly and Damn
TPAB possibly the best album Kendrick has ever given us tells two stories
It tells the story of what blacks have to suffer, including the shoot outs as referenced in alright as well as other demographics
Used to paint black as a societal ill
it's one of the most societally influencing Albums in the last decade
It also tells of his personal fight against the system
Against the one who seemingly controls the game
Uncle sam who is later shown to be Lucifer
And in the song
God is a gangsta
He explicitly lists out every or most promises that have been offered to him to get in
He even tries to paint how the game should be after pac left and has a conversation with pac himself where pac is abruptly cut off
Referencing how pac came to an early end
Top tier story delivery
Now Damn
Damn had its own way of referencing or telling us the life after the TPAB game
Every song referenced how differently people would have treated him due to this new found Fame of his
While also still going against the racial treatment as shown in
The humble video
In all in all Cole has a very deep way of conveying across his messages and stories
Most fondly he's called a poet and even considering his recent silence is still considered top level
Even though at the end it might come down to personal opinion
Cole has yet to give us a project that tops TPAB
Maybe the fallout will
But till then
Kendrick Lamar>>>>
The Falloff*
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