I'm so sorry this happened to you. Racism and prejudice have no place in society and they have even less of a place in hockey, which is something that people should find joy and happiness in.

THREAD: https://twitter.com/waub/status/1200428936070672384
I was witness to a ton of racism, bullying, and prejudice growing up as a hockey player and fan. On some occasions, bullying was directed at me. On others, I either stood by or bought into the toxic atmosphere of the situation. Homophobia, racism... you name it. It makes me sick.
I was often an easy target for bullying, but I also witnessed it happen. I have so many regrets about how I reacted to behaviour I witnessed in hockey, and a culture change in favour of increased sensitivity and inclusivity is much-needed.
If you're a hockey player, or watching at a rink, or a member of an online community, or you live hockey in any other way: think of your peers. Treat them with respect. Consider their perspective. You have the power to be a great influence. Your voice can be a shining light.
You can follow @mikegouldCU.
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