i'm sure others have discussed this, but the Mandalorian enclave that Dyn Jarren is a part of, that puts people in helmets as kids & never lets them take them off again without kicking them out of The Tribe--it's definitely just ONE Mando subculture, not THE Mando culture (1/
If Dyn is in his thirties-forties, then he became an orphan & then mandalorian foundling like, at minimum a decade before Sabine Wren was born, and obviously the Mando culture SHE was raised in didn't have this "never take your helmet off around others" taboo (2/
the two things i've noticed that all canon mandalorians have in common are

- valuing beskar as a material of basically sacred cultural significance

- constantly fighting amongst themselves about who is and isn't A Real Mandalorian and what Real Mandalorian culture is (3/
Mandalorian Space was once an empire, and consists(ed?) of worlds conquered & colonized by warriors from the Mandalore System/home planet. This home planet was once a living world, but by the time of TCW it was scorched & barren due to constant war (4/
Sabine's family are from Krownest, one of the Mandalorian tributary/colony worlds. The last we saw of Mandos in Rebels, a handful of clans were rallying around Bo Katan to finish freeing Mandalore (i assume all Mando territory, not just the planet) from Imperial occupation (5/
Whatever "the Great Purge" is must have happened not too long after the fall of the Republic, since the imperial-stamped beskar was stolen then??? And of course Mando politics were already in disarray during TCW. Obviously not everyone would want to follow BKK (6/
I'm curious as to the ideological lineage of the always-helmeted enclave/cult headed by The Armorer that our hero was inducted into as a child. Are they heirs to any Mando groups we've encountered in canon before? (7/
I know I was seeing this one thing going around about how gr8 it is that "Mandalorian culture" (singular, lol) isn't obsessed with family of origin or whatever, & how kewl & woke it is that Mandos would adopt war orphans that they thought were strong/aggressive [😬] but (8/
bear in mind that it's highly likely that at least for much of early Mandalorian history those war orphans were made by war that Mandalorians BROUGHT to them. Since we don't know the timeline, Dyn honestly might have been orphaned by them OR the Empire, it's unclear. (9/
Anyway, I'd love for him to come into contact with Mandalorians from outside his enclave, or with people who've met Mandalorians from a different subculture, Mandalorians whose faces they've seen. (10/
Mandalorians like the Wrens, Kryzes, & others would have the same low-key "yikes" reaction as Omera did when she learned that our hero hadn't shown his face to anyone since he was little. Perpetually hiding your true face is not something SW celebrates, thematically lol. (11/
Nor is hiding your face from others something that is "universal" to all Mandalorians (12/12)
...also just want to reiterate again that as great as kinship ties based on something other than biology are, "adoption" isn't always Good or Nice 😅
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