It's my recollection that the first occasion where political correctness commandeered a completely benign and innocuous term was when they demanded that "Merry Christmas" be substituted for "Happy Holidays."
It's no particular hill to die on. I'm not religious and I don't especially care. Whatever. What bothers me about it though is that this and every other matter that the PC police take to task is that they always ignore intent. "Merry Christmas" is clearly intended as a well wish.
Here in the west at least, it's a safe bet that any stranger you encounter does in fact celebrate the holiday to some degree, be it in a religious context or not. But now everyone must curtail their well intended speech to spare the feels on the off chance someone may not. Why?
And what non celebrating person actually, sincerely, takes offense to such a phrase being uttered in their direction? Anyone? If you're like me, you tend to think the PC brigade is merely jumping at the opportunity to be self righteous, and brow beat those they look down upon.
The irony here is that in general the only reason people acquiesced and started substituting "Happy Holidays" in the first place is *because* their too polite not to. But in kowtowing, the precedent was set, the flood gates were opened and on down the slippery slope we go.
Fast forward to today the number of instances where the PC brigade has altered our lexicon are too many to mention. And I object to all of it. I don't believe it's genuine, I don't think it helps anyone and I don't believe the cause is what it purports to be.
People are going to say shit you don't like. Ok? I submit that it's much easier to change your reaction to these things than it is to expect the world to stop uttering them. And who the fuck are you to make such a demand anyway? Whilst claiming the moral high ground? Fuck that.
But who am I kidding? This isn't and never was about coming to the aid of the sincerely offended. This is about shoving your philosophy down everyone's throats and defaming anyone who opposes it and claiming the moral high ground all along the way. I'm calling bullshit.
A really smart person once said that "taking offense isn't a virtue it's a vice". I don't know who to attribute that too but I completely completely agree. Grow up. Live a little.

"I'm not politically correct, I'm just correct." -Ralphie May

Merry Christmas everybody.
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