- Find a quiet space to work that’s not your dorm room (library, computer lab)
- Block social media with StayFocusd Chrome extension
- Tell profs about #ADHD
- Find someone from class to study with
- Avoid 8:00 AM classes if possible
- See a counselor *before* things get terrible https://twitter.com/auroraremember/status/1200550386462887937
- Adderall + caffeine = anxiety/no sleep
- Invest in some noise-cancelling headphones
- Stop trying to be perfect at everything
- Get used to saying “no”
- Re-evaluate your commitments
- Asking for help when you need it doesn’t make you weak
I consistently got straight A’s in online gen-ed classes.

But I’m good at putting in the least amount of effort. Especially for online tests that aren’t timed. I can just... look in my textbook. Or Google search.

I always do well but I never learn much.

https://twitter.com/ostralegus/status/1200578343026012166?s=21 https://twitter.com/ostralegus/status/1200578343026012166
You can follow @danidonovan.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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