as pro-shippers, we MUST be aware of how our arguments can be used by bigots & strive to be anti-censorship without pandering to those who would use their freedom of speech to support toxic power structures.
Rape culture is real.
Noncon fic =/= rape culture.
some of our rhetoric appeals to alt-righters & other bigoted groups. our words DO ring true w/ those who want their freedom to be transphobic or in other ways bigoted (“pronouns in bio”).
We should not be pro-“do anything you want”.
We should be pro-education, pro-trigger warnings, pro-exploration, pro-expression, & pro-sex.

Our priorities are not “freedom to be a bigot”, they are “freedom of expression”
Media reflects & supports widespread power structures. Rape jokes in mass media are harmful. The spread of misinformation is harmful.

What ISN’T, is our community of self-expression, education, & sex-positivity that embraces the complications of dark themes & sexuality.
We should not be “anti-sjw”. I’ve seen too much of that bouncing around, along with the rhetoric of “lol antis are just triggered”. CUT THAT SHIT OUT.

this was a rambly thread, might come back later, thank you
Another thought: anti-shippers’ whole movement is modelled after feminist critique. we should put thought into arguing back without shifting to the side with anti-feminism.
Here’s how I see the difference: my anti-censorship argues for people to be able to ask difficult questions & explore dark, problematic, or harmful topics safely: in fiction, with the backing of education to know what they’re writing about (tagging & warnings). —
—NOT for people to spread protected hate speech or to support mass media that uncritically or without warning shows bigotry or violence as the norm.

ex. tagged noncon art✅, showing rape as funny or consensual❌, harassing survivors on twitter❌
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