Me: *rolls into supermarket* 🦽🎒 (with backpack in back)

Employee at counter: “Hey, you’re not allowed to bring a backpack into the shop!”

Me: “okay, how do you suggest I carry my things then? My hands are kinda occupied, can’t carry a messenger-bag.”
Employee: “you need to hand over your backpack at the counter, you can get it back when you leave.”

*other person with shopping bag and purse walks in*

Me: “but THEY can just carry their things?! Why can’t I? I don’t have another bag-style choice with the wheelchair!”
Employee: “rules are rules. They also apply to the wheelchair-bound -.”

Me: “you mean wheelchair-users?”

Employee: “... do you need help getting the bag off?”

Me: “you’re not getting my bag!”

Them: “then you’re not allowed into the shopping area!”

😑 #ableism
Me: “get your manager.”

Employee: *rings manager*
*manager arrives*

Me: *explains my point of view on their rule being ableist*

*manager agrees and apologizes*

And that’s the story of how I went shopping with the wheelchair & backpack anyway 🙄👌🏼
Extra info:

You can’t bring a backpack into ANY supermarket around here because of thieves. They fill their bags up and walk out without paying 🙄🤷🏻‍♀️

Supermarkets think *backpacks* are used most to steal, so now everyone’s not allowed to bring them in. *sigh*
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