A week into the strike: I simply must tweet to all you not give a fuckers. (1/n)
First of all. I like threads.
Secondly. Em. Fuck the bosses.
Number three. Well. What do you think of the scabs. Huh. Amirite.
And nearly finally. I hate being cold. And I'm not going to live to 70 anyway. And I'm a man with a good job in a good place. So none of the striky mcstrikeface issues explain my carry on. The UK is fucked strike wise. Its fucked in so many ways but let's stay on point for this.
Why in the actual realm of jayzis would you see a picket, as an academic, and think, yeah, I'll tell them about how busy I am? They might not know. So I'll tell them that I teach a class.
That's ok though. Academia is a challenging place. Deadlines are real. Student feedback can be deal breaking. Jobs are very hard to come by.
We are all busy. We are all scared. Most of us are not white and in a job of relative security. So the question remains. Why would you take the idea that you are busy to the strikers who, you assume, are not busy?
Let's do an ethnography
Well. The problem is that most of the ethnographers do not want to be ethnogrphised.
So let's dig further
Oh I'm sorry. There are no offered answers to this line of questioning. And far be it for me to speculate.
That was a great thread.
Also. Solidarity from senior colleagues could make a difference. Particularly on a picket line populated predominately by PhD students and exclusively by non professors. But whatever.
Genuine end.
PS the papers you wrote while not on the picket line better be fucking good.
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